Friday, February 12, 2010

Isn't it true that sports are for idiots and people who deny this are in denial?

Nope, not true. I am not into sports, but I know some intelligent people who are.

If anything, it would be a stereotype

Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?

my frien told me that and i was cirius to know if anyone els would know.Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?
The Ducks would probably have a different opinion and the Senators are wondering where they misplaced their red luck.Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?
montreal use to think so
sshueman = idiot

Only an Av's fan could watch his team miss the playoffs completely, see the Wings go 6 games deep in the WCF, yet still continuously talk trash. Colorado logic is unbelievable. Is it just the thin air out there or were you home schooled by mushroom grubbing hippies?
lol it sure does seem that way with the Wings, the Devils, the Flames, the list goes on and on...
Yes it is true.....

Well, maybe it's not....

Well, I don't know....

What do you think?

I heard if they wear red panties they will always win.
Just a coincidence. Lets look at Previous Season Winners in North American Professional Sports.

NHL- Ducks - Black and Gold

NFL- Colts - Blue

NBA - Spurs - Black

MLB - Cardinals - Red


Soccer World Cup - Italy - Blue

PGA Tour - Usually Tiger Woods and on Sundays he always wears red, therfore he wins the tournaments in Red

Tennis - Usually Federer -Multicolored

These facts have proved that the hypothesis of winners wear red is false. As you can see the most common winners win in a color starting with B- 4/7 winners started with B...............Just kidding, just a coincidence!!!
If so, it's a coincidence. I hope.
Your friends statement does merit some truth based on mythology.

Mars is the god of war. (Stick with me for a sec, this will all tie in.) In ancient times, sport was watching gladiators battle it out to the bloody death. A ';fan'; or loved one of the gladiator may wear red to please the god Mars so he would look kindly and lend strength to the battle, thus sparing his life.

Current ';battles'; have turned into far friendlier sports matches. However, it is still believed if you want to appease the gods of war, wearing red will help do so.

It may sound like a lot of mojo, but i do believe this is the root of what your friend said.
Probably not.

Although red uniforms on the ice are really sharp. Yeah, yeah, I am a wings fan. lol

On the pink visitors locker room.....that was Uof Michigan that did that.
Not at all!!! Winning doesnt depend on what color you wear...

e.g. Zimbabwe Cricket Team wears Red but it ends up on the losing side more often than not........
Winningest pro baseball team has no red. (Yankees)

Second winningest hockey team has no red (Leafs)

Team with most superbowls has no red. (Steelers)

Team with most NBA titles has no red (Celtics)

This is kind of like that 3 red cars theory. If you skew the data to fit the theory it works but if you use all the data it's a pattern that is closer to non-existent than existant.
Nah, its just that a lot of teams wear red, so thus a lot of winning teams do as well.

16 out of the 30 teams wear some form of red, so the odds are better than 50% that the champions will be red as well.
the devils hold true with that statement although i see little connection
Hey I wore lucky red thong the whole SCF and the Ducks won, so yeah, it works.

lol yeah red thong + green shamrock socks + signed Duck jersey = Ducks win
i dont think so
Yeah, its true.But we call it Scarlet in Columbus.
If you think that then listen to this, New York Yankees, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs.
Eh....kind of....I read in a Maxim magazine article where some college football team painted the visitor's dressing room pink to ';make them soft.';. That team broke some home winning record, so there is a psychological correlation between colours and sports.
ask those wingies how red did for them last year! lol!l
I think it's sort of true (Wings, Avs, Devils have red) but it's not helping the Habs much now. Internationally, of course, Canada (and the old CCCP) are red but Sweden which won the last Olympics has no red.

Over history though I doubt that. NY Yankees and Oakland A's dynasties have no red (ditto Dodgers, old NY Giants, but StL Cards do in spades as did the Big Red Machine of Cincinnati). NE Patriots actually switched from mainly red to blue and started winning Super Bowls (still have a tad of red, I think). SA Spurs have no red...ditto the Lakers and Celtics (the Bulls did).

In soccer there are some trad strong teams in red (Ajax, Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool, Bayern Munchen, Milan) but Real Madrid have won the most European Cups and they wear all white. National team wise Brazil rule and have no red...ditto Italy or France or Germany.

Rugby-- no idea club wise but internationally, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa have no red. Ditto France. Only England (';logo'; is a red rose) have some.

So, all in all, wearing red is no guarantee of ultimate glory.
ssshueman (sp?)

how far did your Aves get last year?


the 49ers and Cowboys are tied with the steelers for most SB wins and the niners have red in them

but anyway for hockey not so much carolina aves (its a dark red but still red) panthers and Yotes all missed the playoffs and they all have read on them.
Yeah, I'm sure that if I wore RED my Pens would have beaten the Sens in the 1st round of the playoffs last season. Not. Lol.

I agree with what's been said before, I don't think it's true... Now black and gold---those are some winning colors. Mwahaha!
No, it only works if you adopt the Soviet Red Army Communism Clause as well as red uniforms. Basically, you have to do as the Soviets did before the big collapse. You have to go select good athletes and make them train all year around, take steroids, basically do whatever it takes to make them better hockey players. You pay them little or no money, but you provide them with basic shelter, food and drink. They are allowed to go visit their families 2 times a year, for 2 weeks, while wearing a tracking device so they can't defect. Then, after about 3 years of this training, you give them the red jerseys, and you will be more likely to win.

TRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?

Which main factor helped the celtics win the NBA Title and why?

a.) Team Chemistry

b.) Coaching Staff

c.) The Big Three

d.) DefenseTRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?
team chemistry.

the chemistry is what made the defense better, they relied on each other on the defensive end, therefore were able to pressure players in the perimeter. they played good help defense, theyre not a great man to man defensive team, but theyre help defense lets the perimeter defenders really go at the offensive players. chemistry also helps theyre offensive because they also relied on each other and shared the ball on the offensive end.TRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?
e.) Both c %26amp; d

Why c? cuz I think nobody can disregard the important combination of 3 big superstars in one team. 3 big players that each has his special skills can be a great blessing for any team. And u saw this impact specially in playoffs that they encountered some talented teams. Those teams had either one or at most two star players and this star players superiority helped the Celtics conquer all of them (remember Celtics vs. Cavs, Celtics vs. Pistons %26amp; also Celtics vs. Lakers and so you can find it out).

Why d? cuz as u know defense plays an important role in basketball these days, maybe the most important role. Solid defense can give u more opportunities in offense in addition to increasing your team's and decreasing your opponent's confidence and much more. U saw how good defense, specially because of KG, vividly helped the Celtics go deep in Playoffs and finally make it.

Of course a.) Team chemistry is an important factor, but I think just a few players had high chemistry in Celts.
Defense wins championships. They had to keep kobe under control, not very many teams can stop the best player in the NBA. Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom are other very good players they had to keep their eye on also. If im allowed to pick another factor it would be the chemisty because the remake of the Boston Celtics was all in one season, and to gel together and play well like those guys did is amazing.

E. They were playing against Kobe Bryant. The first four were important, but the fact that Kobe is a chump without Shaquille O'Neal is what made the difference. If another team had won the West, the Celts would not have dominated the Finals (yeah, it was six games, but the Lakers didn't play well in any of them), and might not have won.
O man thats a tough one they were so dead on with all of those!! I'd say the chemistry helped them in the regular season........The big three and the coaching staff helped in the playoffs, and for sure it was their defense that made them demolish the Lakers in the Finals
Defense. The Lakers didn't play any. And in game 6 the Celtics played lock down D. The other factors werent that big.

Team Chemistry, the Lakers have chemistry too.

Coaching staff, I don't think its that good...

The big three, if the Lakers played defense the big three would be nothing
I'd say in order:

C - you need good players in a players league (thanks Danny!)

D - Doc did a great job of selling this (and it's ALWAYS harder)

A - These guys got along great all season

B - Doc understood these guys and they respected him

I'd say that given all of these components are in place NOW, we should look forward to another good season coming up...

You for got the refs, and of course the big three without KG, OR Ray allen they wouldnt have won, they wouldnt have even made it to th efinals
the pistons would of beat them but they have no star players so stern and the refs were on the cs side just like with last years cavs siers and the heat one two years ago
Defense. it was the entire team contributing, with Posey, brown, cassell, etc. i would say bench and big three
f.) Red Auerbach
it has to be defense how do you think they came from 24 point down to win the game
defense: they shut down the lakers and then they could jus score at will
d)defense ..for sure
e.) Refs

Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?

because satan gives power to their children and for that they are very powerful, active and so. God children are meek, fight to survive and out of the system. science belongs to satan . to do un doctorate and understand the science , to be sucessful you must be empowered by satan .he make and he use those people to work for him to build n w o . and to bring the ac to the power.

ro 10

8But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?
Meek: humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others. Christians do not respond as the world would respond to unprovoked attacks on ourselves. This does not mean we are weak or afraid. ';For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.'; II Timothy 1:7 Nor are we ignorant. We have 'sound minds'. Solomon was the wisest man in the world and he was a christian.

';Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But stay away from profane and senseless discussions which never help anyone but only make people irritable and more ungodly.'; II Timothy 2:15, 16 (The Clear Word Translation) I encourage you to study God's Word to know the truth for yourself and not to allow Satan, the enemy of souls, to delude you into believing he is more powerful than God. God is 'ominpotent', all powerful, and it was He who created and gave life, not Satan. You should ';Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he man devour:'; He can't devour anyone who is unwilling to be devoured. ';For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.'; I Jn 5:4

We christians are overcomers and we are victorious. I never had a problem when I was in school acing test. I gave the answer the teacher wanted with a footnote: ';I have given the answer you require but it is not so';, whenever I dealt with 'evolution'. My prayer is that all men would come to understand that their is more strength in God than there is in the prince of this world. ';Greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world.';Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?
You are really messed do not know your Bible, do you? God enables people to be what their potential need to go back and do some serious research.
That's ridiculous. God's people can be just as successful in the world as unbelievers.
Could you please repost this question using proper punctuation. Then maybe, just maybe, we might be able to understand the question. :)
Well, its probably not His plan for them, but Christians can be successful, just like non-believers
Nonsense. One can be a Christian, a good student and a good athlete all at the same time.
Try telling that to the people that wrote the US constitution. Most of them were Christians, and they did GREAT things with their lives.
So to be a good Christian you have to suck at everything?

Thank god I'm an atheist

So all True Christians鈩?should live in trailers, on welfare, with a 6th grade education?
Are you blaming your problems on the devil.......

You have got to be joking... I'm successful and a Christian.
We really need a wt* button!!
How do you measure success anyway?

Success to me is gaining God's approval, not man's.

Man cannot give you everlasting life now can he?

Which do you rather have riches stored up on earth now or riches stored up in heaven?

For what a person sows upon earth is what he will reap.

A person's conduct will determine if he gains God's approval or Satan's.

So what do you prophet from man's approval? Wouldn't you rather have God's approval and be accepted by him and gain everlasting life on the new earth as see your loved ones again?

Can man bring any of these blessings?

I hope you will ponder on these thing's and reconsider what real success is!

Is it true that drinking coconut juice in the middle of practicing sports results in arteriosclerosis?

Coconut juice is full of oil and very fattening too. I would not drink much, if any.Is it true that drinking coconut juice in the middle of practicing sports results in arteriosclerosis?
i dont know about coconut juice, but i have read that extra virgin organic coconut oil is very good for you.

What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?

Baseball is called the national pasttime. However, it has been a long time since it was at the top.

Last check on popularity of each sport that I saw

1) Football

2) Mixed Martial Arts

3) Basketball

4) Soccer

5) Baseball

So Baseball is actually fairly far down on the list on viewership in America. Football wins hands down.What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Baseball is the American past time, everybody loves it! Football is also an all-American sport and I think basketball is American too but that is the most boring thing in the world to watch so not nearly as many people watch and wait all year for the NBA playoffs as people do for the Superbowl or the World Series.

Go Yankees!!

Go Pats!!What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Americas true past time is Lacrosse believe it or not it was being played in America 400 years before baseball was even invented.
Football is probably it. The Super Bowl alone leaves many Americans in much anticipation each year.
Base ball it's america's national game man

Yanks don't play football
Baseball is America's past time but football is the all-american sport.
ping pong
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Whats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???

    At one point it was, but currently it goes like this:

    NFL Football

    NASCAR Racing

    MLB Baseball

    NCAA College Basketball

    NHL Hockey

    NBA Basketball

    NCAA College Football

    MLS SoccerWhats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???
    Football 1st NASCAR second. That's by attendances. But NASCAR is the Fastest Growing sport.Whats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???
    Its true! Most people dont know this but NASCAR is number one...

    Mostly because of big numbers in women audience.

    I dont even know why! It shouldnt even be considered a sport!
    hey the guy who said nascar isn't a sport you try siting in a 120 degree pulling 3gs for 3 hours
    Fast Fact : 17 of the top 20 sporting events in the United States are NASCAR races.
    By ratings and attendance it is NFL first and NASCAR Sprint Cup racing 2nd.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!
    No. Did you neighbor Bubba tell y'all that? Bubba ain't been right since the tragic death of his coon hound.
    No, the NFL is the number one sport in America.
    Not even close ......FOOTBALL!
    Air hockey.
    No, it's NFL football.
    nascar is a sport and i think its a close second to football
    No, football is. You're pumped up about that, huh? lol