Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?

I've been invited for the people to people sports ambassador program for swimming and I'm not quite sure if it is really true...Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?
My daughter also just rec'd the invite letter. From what I've read so far online, it seem ';the invite'; is sent to ALOT of players. Not sure how ';special'; the invite is (just viewing it as reality) - they send out many in hopes to get a good showing at the meetings... With that said, it does sound like it would be a great experience. There have been various amounts of what it costs put out there anywhere from 2k-6k... We will go and listen at the meeting to see what's what. All that costs is our time.Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?
i just got the soccer one in the mail also. but my brother also got the people to people students one. so im not quite sure how prestigous it really is.

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i just got invited for soccer in the mail today I know nothing about it
yeah its true they have a website just Google it

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