Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hunting is said to be a real safe sport!!! is this true?

Because more people die a year in raceing crashes! And in football.Hunting is said to be a real safe sport!!! is this true?
It's safe only if you make it safe!*Hunting is said to be a real safe sport!!! is this true?
Hunting is a relatively safe sport but it is not without its hazards. There is no question that people can be injured or killed by doing stupid unsafe things while hunting. On the other hand, they can do everything right and be injured or killed by the stupid acts of others. Fortunately, these accidents do not occur nearly as often as do injuries and deaths from other seemingly benign sports. I think I read somewhere that more golfers are killed by lightning strikes than there are deaths from hunting accidents.
Yea it is real safe, if there were a ton of hunting accidents, the anti-gun news organizations would be having cameos on it all the time. I have heard some tales about hunting on public land however, it is not good to be in close proximity to a lot of hunters, especially when they are not aware you are nearby. I do reccomend following the above tips about wearing orange etc.
Hunting is as safe as YOU make it. You can't expect to go out and shoot at just anything and you can't assume the guy on the other side of the fence isn't going to mistake you for something else. Be careful at all times. Wear blaze orange if others are hunting nearby. Observe the rules and regs. of your state and assume every gun is loaded and treat them that way. You'll be safe enough if you practice these tried and true practices.
In 31 years of hunting, the worst injuries I have had, came from brier patches, sprained ankles, and getting snagged while crossing barbed wire fences. It's pretty safe, considering, as you stated, that any given Sunday you may see serious injury or death live on TV on a NASCAR race or drag race.
Hi Kate. It is relatively safe to the participant. I've heard of hunters getting snake-bitten and falling out of a tree blinds. Also, one hunter was found dead of a heart attack in his deer lease one year. Once in a blue moon you hear of an accidental shooting but that's about it. In forty plus years of being a hunter I've only had three close calls: One year I nearly stepped on a rattlesnake. Another time I had a run-in with a rabid coyote. And most recently a Bobcat tried to get into a shooting blind with me.


Hunting is very safe........ You are in 1000 times more apt to be injured or killed driving your car than hunting..... That doesnt mean you get a pass to be stupid when you are with a firearm either.... Just as your car can be turned into a deadly weapon - so can a firearm.... A hunters safety course and a good dose of respect for firearms and it is one of the safest sports around.....
yes it is... and gun safey is only a part of the sport.

Getting lost , wet and cold probably is the biggest risk in any outdoor activity ...especially hunting.

Learn how to read a map and compass... and pick up the skills to make fire and spend a night in the woods if you need too.

I've been hunting w/my dad %26amp; I would say that it is safe. In a hunter safety course you learn what you should and should not do. As long as you pay attention %26amp; pass the test you should be safe in the woods.
I can tell you that where I live, hunting is very safe. I believe a grand total of 2 people died from a hunting accidents last year, which isn't quite zero, but is decent.
yes it is a safe if you take care of your stuff and make shore that you have premmition to use the land and have alicenses

P.S. I don't like to use the term sport or game because it is nether!
I guess it depends on the condition of your gun and what you're hunting.

If you're hunting pigeons with pellet gun, I don't think you'd be risking your life..
Hunting is relatively safe if you obey the rules and take good care of your guns.
I haven't died in a single hunting expedition.
when hunting

if ya aint stupid ya aint hurt.

most of the time.
It Is Very safe.... And hunting isnt a sport.

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