Wednesday, February 10, 2010

';sport isn't for women, it's for men'; is this true??

I am doing an assignment and i need to know what every one thinks.

we all know that the statement is totally untrue any way but i need every one's opion on the statement expesialy girls. i dont like the state ment but i have to do it so please help me.';sport isn't for women, it's for men'; is this true??
stupid outdated form of dissrespect . still the male ego wants to foolow this myth . thier fragile egos can not stand , being beaten , or outclassed by a woman . women a smarter , more grceful . higher pain threhold . any male who denies this has failed at sports and will fail at life . women desrve thier own sports network . but bigotry amongst networks wont allow this to happen . total male ego thing . myth not fact . just another reson to continue to dissrerspect women .';sport isn't for women, it's for men'; is this true??
so not true. but people(men) make it seem that way becuz there arent that many sports that are like natikonal like football or baseball. you never see pro softball or pro feild hockey or w/e.

girls can do just sports just as well as guys can, we can be just as tough,aggresive,and competetive.but since todays society is sexist and all its only good if guys are playing it, but if girls are playin the exact same sports its not good. sports is merely away to meet people,have fun,and learn about life. and quite frankly thats for men AND women. but it will be awhile till the world sees that and with men thinking that their the top dog and all that may never happen, but us girls continue to play sports cuz its fun and maybe thats just what we need to do
Sport is good for both sexes, it's healthy and makes you look better. Not very surprising, but that's my opinion.
It used to be but, not anymore. It was unlady-like and undignified for a female to do anything that would make her sweat.

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