Friday, February 12, 2010

What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?

Baseball is called the national pasttime. However, it has been a long time since it was at the top.

Last check on popularity of each sport that I saw

1) Football

2) Mixed Martial Arts

3) Basketball

4) Soccer

5) Baseball

So Baseball is actually fairly far down on the list on viewership in America. Football wins hands down.What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Baseball is the American past time, everybody loves it! Football is also an all-American sport and I think basketball is American too but that is the most boring thing in the world to watch so not nearly as many people watch and wait all year for the NBA playoffs as people do for the Superbowl or the World Series.

Go Yankees!!

Go Pats!!What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Americas true past time is Lacrosse believe it or not it was being played in America 400 years before baseball was even invented.
Football is probably it. The Super Bowl alone leaves many Americans in much anticipation each year.
Base ball it's america's national game man

Yanks don't play football
Baseball is America's past time but football is the all-american sport.
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