Friday, February 12, 2010

Is this true about Boston Sports?

Sports in Boston are like women that we all know in our life.

The Bruins are like that one night stand. You dont really pay attention to her or expect much from her, you just do her for fun.

The Celtics are like the great long term relationship thats lost its spark. Its not like it used to be but you just cant walk away because you remember how good it used to be.

The Patriots are like that brand new girlfriend, shes exciting, fun, and everyday is more exciting the last. You get scared though because you know the excitment cant last forever.

The Red Sox are like an abusive relationship. They get your hopes up and then break your heart, but you keep coming back to them because you pray someday theyll change.Is this true about Boston Sports?
I don't know if it's true, but it's freaking HILARIOUSIs this true about Boston Sports?
Red sox fan huh?.......your question was so well written there is no answer worthy of it......all I can say is bill buckner......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr鈥? On the other hand.....2004....come back kids.....I also watch the other teams but they don't get to me like the em....hate em.....but always watch em....sure can't afford to go...yankees suck.....!!!!
Holy C*** havent heard that before but thats entirely true :P

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