Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It seems to me that cricket is a ';country club sport'; or upper class, unlike baseball. Is that true?

why or why not?It seems to me that cricket is a ';country club sport'; or upper class, unlike baseball. Is that true?
No, not at all true.People from all walks of life play cricket.'Country Club' is such an American expression. We don't have snobby things like that in cricket. Look at India, not what you would call a wealthy country, but a thriving cricket nation despite that. Also, cricketers in general do not feel the need to build up on steroids to be a success at their sport %26amp; it IS a genuine world sport.It seems to me that cricket is a ';country club sport'; or upper class, unlike baseball. Is that true?
Cricket is a sport played between countries at the international level.

it is not a only upper class sports but a sports for every one.

It is not so famous in USA but in Countries like INDIA,Pakistan England,

Australia it is very famous.

In India it played by almost everyone(It is a cricket crazy nation)

Need to know more feel free to contact.
there are more country international matches than club. but there are club matches too.

in past cricket used to be played by people who use to say himself as gentry or gentleman in england.women were forbidden to play cricket.

india was ruled by britisher. britisher use to say themselves as gentleman so they played cricket. indian wanted to copy the britishers so they start playing cricket.

baseball came from rounder cricket early form....

one cricket league is going to start in new promot it one baseball star came in cricket field.i don't know his name but he plays for la dogers and has price value of 43 million dollar in baseball.
In england it used to be played by every one but today soccer is the main

sport played by every one, cricket has become more of a upper class sport mainly due to cricket fields in schools being sold of to property developers and only better of schools can afford to keep there fields ,just look at the england team there quite posh
I woudl like to ask you back

why do they call it world series in baseball when there is only americans join in their so called world series?... okey okey so the koreans have just jioined in but still doesn't make sense, does it?
Well it's a high IQ sport. If you aren't smart you wouldn't be able to understand the rules. It's not upper class, but it certainly is not a sport associated with thugs/ chavs etc.
Not at all

I support Derbyshire and we are a county cricket in the UK

There might well be a few old people there but definately not upper class, its easy going and relaxing
And baseball is played by steroid users.
every class can play it
No, its played in West Indies as well.

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