Friday, February 12, 2010

Isn't it true that sports are for idiots and people who deny this are in denial?

Nope, not true. I am not into sports, but I know some intelligent people who are.

If anything, it would be a stereotype

Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?

my frien told me that and i was cirius to know if anyone els would know.Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?
The Ducks would probably have a different opinion and the Senators are wondering where they misplaced their red luck.Is it true that if you wear red on a sports team your team is most likley to win?
montreal use to think so
sshueman = idiot

Only an Av's fan could watch his team miss the playoffs completely, see the Wings go 6 games deep in the WCF, yet still continuously talk trash. Colorado logic is unbelievable. Is it just the thin air out there or were you home schooled by mushroom grubbing hippies?
lol it sure does seem that way with the Wings, the Devils, the Flames, the list goes on and on...
Yes it is true.....

Well, maybe it's not....

Well, I don't know....

What do you think?

I heard if they wear red panties they will always win.
Just a coincidence. Lets look at Previous Season Winners in North American Professional Sports.

NHL- Ducks - Black and Gold

NFL- Colts - Blue

NBA - Spurs - Black

MLB - Cardinals - Red


Soccer World Cup - Italy - Blue

PGA Tour - Usually Tiger Woods and on Sundays he always wears red, therfore he wins the tournaments in Red

Tennis - Usually Federer -Multicolored

These facts have proved that the hypothesis of winners wear red is false. As you can see the most common winners win in a color starting with B- 4/7 winners started with B...............Just kidding, just a coincidence!!!
If so, it's a coincidence. I hope.
Your friends statement does merit some truth based on mythology.

Mars is the god of war. (Stick with me for a sec, this will all tie in.) In ancient times, sport was watching gladiators battle it out to the bloody death. A ';fan'; or loved one of the gladiator may wear red to please the god Mars so he would look kindly and lend strength to the battle, thus sparing his life.

Current ';battles'; have turned into far friendlier sports matches. However, it is still believed if you want to appease the gods of war, wearing red will help do so.

It may sound like a lot of mojo, but i do believe this is the root of what your friend said.
Probably not.

Although red uniforms on the ice are really sharp. Yeah, yeah, I am a wings fan. lol

On the pink visitors locker room.....that was Uof Michigan that did that.
Not at all!!! Winning doesnt depend on what color you wear...

e.g. Zimbabwe Cricket Team wears Red but it ends up on the losing side more often than not........
Winningest pro baseball team has no red. (Yankees)

Second winningest hockey team has no red (Leafs)

Team with most superbowls has no red. (Steelers)

Team with most NBA titles has no red (Celtics)

This is kind of like that 3 red cars theory. If you skew the data to fit the theory it works but if you use all the data it's a pattern that is closer to non-existent than existant.
Nah, its just that a lot of teams wear red, so thus a lot of winning teams do as well.

16 out of the 30 teams wear some form of red, so the odds are better than 50% that the champions will be red as well.
the devils hold true with that statement although i see little connection
Hey I wore lucky red thong the whole SCF and the Ducks won, so yeah, it works.

lol yeah red thong + green shamrock socks + signed Duck jersey = Ducks win
i dont think so
Yeah, its true.But we call it Scarlet in Columbus.
If you think that then listen to this, New York Yankees, Indianapolis Colts, San Antonio Spurs.
Eh....kind of....I read in a Maxim magazine article where some college football team painted the visitor's dressing room pink to ';make them soft.';. That team broke some home winning record, so there is a psychological correlation between colours and sports.
ask those wingies how red did for them last year! lol!l
I think it's sort of true (Wings, Avs, Devils have red) but it's not helping the Habs much now. Internationally, of course, Canada (and the old CCCP) are red but Sweden which won the last Olympics has no red.

Over history though I doubt that. NY Yankees and Oakland A's dynasties have no red (ditto Dodgers, old NY Giants, but StL Cards do in spades as did the Big Red Machine of Cincinnati). NE Patriots actually switched from mainly red to blue and started winning Super Bowls (still have a tad of red, I think). SA Spurs have no red...ditto the Lakers and Celtics (the Bulls did).

In soccer there are some trad strong teams in red (Ajax, Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool, Bayern Munchen, Milan) but Real Madrid have won the most European Cups and they wear all white. National team wise Brazil rule and have no red...ditto Italy or France or Germany.

Rugby-- no idea club wise but internationally, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa have no red. Ditto France. Only England (';logo'; is a red rose) have some.

So, all in all, wearing red is no guarantee of ultimate glory.
ssshueman (sp?)

how far did your Aves get last year?


the 49ers and Cowboys are tied with the steelers for most SB wins and the niners have red in them

but anyway for hockey not so much carolina aves (its a dark red but still red) panthers and Yotes all missed the playoffs and they all have read on them.
Yeah, I'm sure that if I wore RED my Pens would have beaten the Sens in the 1st round of the playoffs last season. Not. Lol.

I agree with what's been said before, I don't think it's true... Now black and gold---those are some winning colors. Mwahaha!
No, it only works if you adopt the Soviet Red Army Communism Clause as well as red uniforms. Basically, you have to do as the Soviets did before the big collapse. You have to go select good athletes and make them train all year around, take steroids, basically do whatever it takes to make them better hockey players. You pay them little or no money, but you provide them with basic shelter, food and drink. They are allowed to go visit their families 2 times a year, for 2 weeks, while wearing a tracking device so they can't defect. Then, after about 3 years of this training, you give them the red jerseys, and you will be more likely to win.

TRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?

Which main factor helped the celtics win the NBA Title and why?

a.) Team Chemistry

b.) Coaching Staff

c.) The Big Three

d.) DefenseTRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?
team chemistry.

the chemistry is what made the defense better, they relied on each other on the defensive end, therefore were able to pressure players in the perimeter. they played good help defense, theyre not a great man to man defensive team, but theyre help defense lets the perimeter defenders really go at the offensive players. chemistry also helps theyre offensive because they also relied on each other and shared the ball on the offensive end.TRUE SPORTS FAN: Regarding the 2008 NBA Champions Celtics....?
e.) Both c %26amp; d

Why c? cuz I think nobody can disregard the important combination of 3 big superstars in one team. 3 big players that each has his special skills can be a great blessing for any team. And u saw this impact specially in playoffs that they encountered some talented teams. Those teams had either one or at most two star players and this star players superiority helped the Celtics conquer all of them (remember Celtics vs. Cavs, Celtics vs. Pistons %26amp; also Celtics vs. Lakers and so you can find it out).

Why d? cuz as u know defense plays an important role in basketball these days, maybe the most important role. Solid defense can give u more opportunities in offense in addition to increasing your team's and decreasing your opponent's confidence and much more. U saw how good defense, specially because of KG, vividly helped the Celtics go deep in Playoffs and finally make it.

Of course a.) Team chemistry is an important factor, but I think just a few players had high chemistry in Celts.
Defense wins championships. They had to keep kobe under control, not very many teams can stop the best player in the NBA. Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom are other very good players they had to keep their eye on also. If im allowed to pick another factor it would be the chemisty because the remake of the Boston Celtics was all in one season, and to gel together and play well like those guys did is amazing.

E. They were playing against Kobe Bryant. The first four were important, but the fact that Kobe is a chump without Shaquille O'Neal is what made the difference. If another team had won the West, the Celts would not have dominated the Finals (yeah, it was six games, but the Lakers didn't play well in any of them), and might not have won.
O man thats a tough one they were so dead on with all of those!! I'd say the chemistry helped them in the regular season........The big three and the coaching staff helped in the playoffs, and for sure it was their defense that made them demolish the Lakers in the Finals
Defense. The Lakers didn't play any. And in game 6 the Celtics played lock down D. The other factors werent that big.

Team Chemistry, the Lakers have chemistry too.

Coaching staff, I don't think its that good...

The big three, if the Lakers played defense the big three would be nothing
I'd say in order:

C - you need good players in a players league (thanks Danny!)

D - Doc did a great job of selling this (and it's ALWAYS harder)

A - These guys got along great all season

B - Doc understood these guys and they respected him

I'd say that given all of these components are in place NOW, we should look forward to another good season coming up...

You for got the refs, and of course the big three without KG, OR Ray allen they wouldnt have won, they wouldnt have even made it to th efinals
the pistons would of beat them but they have no star players so stern and the refs were on the cs side just like with last years cavs siers and the heat one two years ago
Defense. it was the entire team contributing, with Posey, brown, cassell, etc. i would say bench and big three
f.) Red Auerbach
it has to be defense how do you think they came from 24 point down to win the game
defense: they shut down the lakers and then they could jus score at will
d)defense ..for sure
e.) Refs

Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?

because satan gives power to their children and for that they are very powerful, active and so. God children are meek, fight to survive and out of the system. science belongs to satan . to do un doctorate and understand the science , to be sucessful you must be empowered by satan .he make and he use those people to work for him to build n w o . and to bring the ac to the power.

ro 10

8But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?
Meek: humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others. Christians do not respond as the world would respond to unprovoked attacks on ourselves. This does not mean we are weak or afraid. ';For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.'; II Timothy 1:7 Nor are we ignorant. We have 'sound minds'. Solomon was the wisest man in the world and he was a christian.

';Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But stay away from profane and senseless discussions which never help anyone but only make people irritable and more ungodly.'; II Timothy 2:15, 16 (The Clear Word Translation) I encourage you to study God's Word to know the truth for yourself and not to allow Satan, the enemy of souls, to delude you into believing he is more powerful than God. God is 'ominpotent', all powerful, and it was He who created and gave life, not Satan. You should ';Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he man devour:'; He can't devour anyone who is unwilling to be devoured. ';For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.'; I Jn 5:4

We christians are overcomers and we are victorious. I never had a problem when I was in school acing test. I gave the answer the teacher wanted with a footnote: ';I have given the answer you require but it is not so';, whenever I dealt with 'evolution'. My prayer is that all men would come to understand that their is more strength in God than there is in the prince of this world. ';Greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world.';Why a true christian could not be a good student, a sucessful worker, a good sport man?
You are really messed do not know your Bible, do you? God enables people to be what their potential need to go back and do some serious research.
That's ridiculous. God's people can be just as successful in the world as unbelievers.
Could you please repost this question using proper punctuation. Then maybe, just maybe, we might be able to understand the question. :)
Well, its probably not His plan for them, but Christians can be successful, just like non-believers
Nonsense. One can be a Christian, a good student and a good athlete all at the same time.
Try telling that to the people that wrote the US constitution. Most of them were Christians, and they did GREAT things with their lives.
So to be a good Christian you have to suck at everything?

Thank god I'm an atheist

So all True Christians鈩?should live in trailers, on welfare, with a 6th grade education?
Are you blaming your problems on the devil.......

You have got to be joking... I'm successful and a Christian.
We really need a wt* button!!
How do you measure success anyway?

Success to me is gaining God's approval, not man's.

Man cannot give you everlasting life now can he?

Which do you rather have riches stored up on earth now or riches stored up in heaven?

For what a person sows upon earth is what he will reap.

A person's conduct will determine if he gains God's approval or Satan's.

So what do you prophet from man's approval? Wouldn't you rather have God's approval and be accepted by him and gain everlasting life on the new earth as see your loved ones again?

Can man bring any of these blessings?

I hope you will ponder on these thing's and reconsider what real success is!

Is it true that drinking coconut juice in the middle of practicing sports results in arteriosclerosis?

Coconut juice is full of oil and very fattening too. I would not drink much, if any.Is it true that drinking coconut juice in the middle of practicing sports results in arteriosclerosis?
i dont know about coconut juice, but i have read that extra virgin organic coconut oil is very good for you.

What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?

Baseball is called the national pasttime. However, it has been a long time since it was at the top.

Last check on popularity of each sport that I saw

1) Football

2) Mixed Martial Arts

3) Basketball

4) Soccer

5) Baseball

So Baseball is actually fairly far down on the list on viewership in America. Football wins hands down.What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Baseball is the American past time, everybody loves it! Football is also an all-American sport and I think basketball is American too but that is the most boring thing in the world to watch so not nearly as many people watch and wait all year for the NBA playoffs as people do for the Superbowl or the World Series.

Go Yankees!!

Go Pats!!What is America's true favorite sports past time?? (football, baseball...?)?
Americas true past time is Lacrosse believe it or not it was being played in America 400 years before baseball was even invented.
Football is probably it. The Super Bowl alone leaves many Americans in much anticipation each year.
Base ball it's america's national game man

Yanks don't play football
Baseball is America's past time but football is the all-american sport.
ping pong
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Whats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???

    At one point it was, but currently it goes like this:

    NFL Football

    NASCAR Racing

    MLB Baseball

    NCAA College Basketball

    NHL Hockey

    NBA Basketball

    NCAA College Football

    MLS SoccerWhats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???
    Football 1st NASCAR second. That's by attendances. But NASCAR is the Fastest Growing sport.Whats the number one sport in America? Ive heard its NASCAR! Is this true!!!???
    Its true! Most people dont know this but NASCAR is number one...

    Mostly because of big numbers in women audience.

    I dont even know why! It shouldnt even be considered a sport!
    hey the guy who said nascar isn't a sport you try siting in a 120 degree pulling 3gs for 3 hours
    Fast Fact : 17 of the top 20 sporting events in the United States are NASCAR races.
    By ratings and attendance it is NFL first and NASCAR Sprint Cup racing 2nd.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!
    No. Did you neighbor Bubba tell y'all that? Bubba ain't been right since the tragic death of his coon hound.
    No, the NFL is the number one sport in America.
    Not even close ......FOOTBALL!
    Air hockey.
    No, it's NFL football.
    nascar is a sport and i think its a close second to football
    No, football is. You're pumped up about that, huh? lol

    What true sports story inspired you the most?

    the fish that saved pittsburgh was a make believe movie so i would lean toward RudyWhat true sports story inspired you the most?
    We are Marshall is a great movie.

    Is it true that the Ivy League schools do not recruit for sports?

    If so, lets say a student gets into Yale or Harvard and wants to play football there but he didn't get to play in his high school years, will he still be able to try out for an Ivy League football team?

    Are graduate students allowed to play sports like football too?Is it true that the Ivy League schools do not recruit for sports?
    Yes, they do recruit...just like any other school recruits. But, like D3 programs, Ivy league schools are not allowed to give out athletic scholarships. Just like in any other college, a student can try out for a team as a walk on, but the probability of he or she making the team is close to none unless it is a new team. He or she may get the opportunity to practice, manage, or otherwise assist the team, however. Graduate students can play intramural sports indefinitely, but they can only play in Varsity athletics if they did not use up their eligibility years during their undergrad.Is it true that the Ivy League schools do not recruit for sports?
    It looks like you have a bunch of questions.

    For the first question, it is not true that Ivy League schools do not recruit for sports. My friend was recruited to Princeton, and another one to Columbia and another one to UPenn鈥攁ll for sports. However, if you are recruited to an Ivy League school, you cannot receive a scholarship for sports. It is an agreement among the Ivies that scholarships can ONLY be rewarded based on need. No Ivy League school will offer you money to play sports or music at their school.

    Yes, if a person did not play during high school, he or she can train and then tryout for the college team, but it takes a lot of work.

    I am pretty sure that graduate students are not allowed to play sports with the undergrads. There is a reason it is called ';College football';. It is designed for people in college, not graduate school.
    No. It's not true.

    Is it true that a Mercedes two seater open sports is the best aphrodisiac that you can give a woman ?

    Only if they are brainless and dull witted - I found attention and genuine affection to be the best aphrodisiacIs it true that a Mercedes two seater open sports is the best aphrodisiac that you can give a woman ?
    Not in my book!

    the new BMW M6 5L convertible would win hands down! what a machine!!!

    Gleaming in the sunshine boasting its sleek contours, finished in majestic black paintwork you can see your reflection in

    with luxurious cream leather interior, %26amp; black piano trim, kitted out with low profiles to finish, Wow!!!!!!

    sadly i checked out the price for such a pulling power model online and will always be a mere dream for me hahaha 拢87,365 starting price!!!!!!!Is it true that a Mercedes two seater open sports is the best aphrodisiac that you can give a woman ?
    no, each woman has her own seperate best aphrodisiac, there is no generic single answer.

    but keep on throwing money at them, i'm sure they'll treasure you for it :P
    no a long tongue and a mahoosive c*ck works for me :)
    Not in my Gerts place.Its a little piece of plastic with Visa wrote on.Works every time.
    they're shite
    nope...laughter is the best aphrodisiac :)
    find flying my two seater plane upside down is best.
    No it's the best aphrodisiac you can give to a Mercedes mechanic.
    Only if you are both materialistic shallow rich kids who think money is the answer to everything.

    Otherwise you are wasting your money. If a car will get you into her pants you could probably get a shag out of her with a good meal and some nice wine.
    lucky girl
    hell no -

    cmon over I'll show ---

    Oh yea I'm married never mind...LOL

    If she has any brains she would by pass the Mercedes for the '67 Mustang fastback or a nice HemiCuda. Shhheeessshhh

    They just don't make 'em like they used to.

    Is it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?

    I read some reports on this,25197,22598366-5001505,00.htmlIs it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?
    Exactly correctIs it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?
    true but not in only their sport, its in their blood
    sports is war by other means

    the issue of wars used to be race or tribe or property acquisition

    the same is true in sports

    nothing new
    Its only ugly if you don't understand it.

    One of the reasons the nation team is strong is because of the mental tactics that are apart of the game in Australia.

    The verbal game is played at all levels, not just high class.

    This is not baseball, you don't get a few balls thrown at you and one big hit.

    If you are good enough you can bat for hours. But it takes only 1 ball to end your day with the bat, that is huge for a bowling team.

    To be attacked by the fielding team and bat through to make a fifty or a hundred is the best feeling.

    You know what to expect when you walk out onto the field, and if you play well you earn respect.
    My persnal opininion is 'yes'.

    Is it true about sports bras?

    I have very small ';breasts'; and I usually wera a sports bra.Is it true that they can actually flatten ur breasts? please help! I almost have the smallest ';breasts'; in my whole grade!!!Is there any bras to make me look fuller and bigger in the chest? Please help me!!!!! (Is having small breasts an actual PROBLEM? Should I tell my mom how I feel?)Is it true about sports bras?
    No the type of bra that you wear won't affect your body permanently. And no you do not have a problem! You are lovely the way you are! Is it true about sports bras?
    Nothing, aside from surgery, can influence the size of your breasts either way. And don't worry about being small. Chances are, you'll grow. However large (or small) your mother's breasts are, and the other women in your family, is a good indication of how much you'll fill out. Of course it's not a problem. In the meantime, you can get a bra with a bit of padding or gel inserts to fill in where you have none.
    how old are you? cuz i remember in 6th grade i had small boobs! but they kept getting bigger and i was a B in 8th grade then they kept growing and 9th and 10th grade i was a C and by the time i was a senior in hs i was and am 36D ... they keep growing so you have nothing to worry about. But they have push up bra's that you should probably buy and they have water ones that make them look fuller! but i wear sports bra's alot and they havent got any flatter but a regular bra makes them look better.. so good luck
    a padded bra will make you look lik eyou have more. yes tell your mom she'll completely understand and chances are good there was a point where she felt like you. But no there is no way something can flatten your breasts. Sports bras do cause sagging but if you small than you dont have to worry about that.
    That is so not true! Your bra can't changer the natural size of your breasts. It's normal to grow at different paces because everyone is different. I was the smallest in my class until part way through the 9th grade.If you feel more comfortable wearing a sports bra then wear one.
    Haha, aww, I remember looking down and seeing nothing there!! No worries, wearing a sports bra won't flatten your breasts at all!! I used to be a double A but now I'm a C!! Lol, anyways, you shouldn't worry at all but your best alternative is to wear a padded bra ^-^

    ';Ladee da dee daa...';

    ~Babee Mei
    That isn't true.

    Just wear whatever is comfertable for you.

    If you don't need a cup bra don't wear one,

    maybe you should talk to your mom though if you want a padded bra.

    It seems like you are still pretty young so I assume you will mature soon.

    Don't worry... your still growing.
    no don't worry you're still growing you probably haven't hit puberty yet either. but it's okay if you're smaller.

    don't be embaraced.

    Ya if you wear i sports bra, theres no support, so they look about 15x flatter. but a padded bra fro support and you will look fuller.
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • The Sky sports team were saying Dhoni was looking tired is this true does he need a rest wat about his back?

    He has proved that he will ask for rest in case he feels it. He had done it in the past. Sky sports team consists of commentators from West Indies and other Western countries who could not stand up to the Indian onslaught ad they are starting a psychological warfare and misinformation campaign. Nothing more nothing less.The Sky sports team were saying Dhoni was looking tired is this true does he need a rest wat about his back?
    The whole Indian team needs rest.;鈥?/a>

    Dhoni also had an ankle problem during the last match.

    I think needing a rest is in the sense that India need a break after a long period of playing International Cricket continuosly.The Sky sports team were saying Dhoni was looking tired is this true does he need a rest wat about his back?
    everyone needs a rest including the west indian players. chris was in the Ipl also and he left the ipl to play a couple of test matches and some one dayers against england so my point is all the players are tired but the show must go on.
    The whole Indian team not only Dhoni needs to rest (not play) for three or four months take it easy and then come back with a bang! They are playing too many matches on a stretch and the BCCI need to take account of that.
    yes he needs to be rested for 3 months and then come back to the team if he performs well in the ranji trophy!
    Indian team needs a good rest!
    Right and he need to be rested after this WI ODI series

    Is it true that black people basicly dominate all sports except of hockey and baseball?

    YESIs it true that black people basicly dominate all sports except of hockey and baseball?
    yea but white people are better at qb in football but black peopledominate basketbalIs it true that black people basicly dominate all sports except of hockey and baseball?
    Winter sports, swimming, diving or any aquatic sport; frontennis, jai alai, etc

    There are many sports to put in consideration, up are some sports that are not dominate and also all the sports that the rest of the contributers are writing.
    It's called KARMA!

    After century's of slavery white people are being punished in sports by black people. Sports that people care about in America, football and basketball.

    Now if we can only get rid of the gang violence.
    Soccer, tennis, lacrosse, cricket, cycling, martial arts, NASCAR, rugby, swimming...

    I just went down the list for sports on YA
    How about this: Black people only dominate Football and Basketball. Okay, I guess you could throw some track and field events in there too.

    Look at some of the other sports that were suggested and let's not forget the sorda sports like Hunting, and NASCAR.
    Do you know why they don't dominate hockey? Their parents can't afford hockey equipment.
    lacrosse? tennis? soccer?
    haha no my friend

    you forgot soccer.

    soccer is a white dominate sport.

    Are you a TRUE sports fan to the end of the season or do you hide everything (banners, clothing, etc. with...?

    team emblems) when the team is losing?Are you a TRUE sports fan to the end of the season or do you hide everything (banners, clothing, etc. with...?
    I always show my maize and Blue pride even after the embarrasing loss to appalchian state, and then oregon.

    It's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?

    I have understood that many British immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded clubs of football, rugby

    The Argentine Football Association (AFA) is responsible for organizing and regulating official football championships in Argentina. It was founded by Alexander Watson Hutton (Scotish)


    The first rugby match was played in Argentina in 1873. This sport was introduced to Argentina by the British immigrants.It's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?
    Britain invaded Argentina around 1830.They took over the whole country for very short time,then retreated to Benes Aries for 4 years waiting for reinforcements which never came.

    Upon surrender the British stayed on and traded with the old country.Eventually this trade led to an agreement for Britain to build Argentina's railways.

    It was the British railwaymen who started all the football clubs.Management created rugby and cricket,and eventually the aristocracy bought polo and equestrian sports to Argentina.

    Argentina is the most European of the south american nation because of Britain and Italy's involvement.Other south american countries dislike argentina because of it's european arrogance of superiority.

    In Italy Britain built the railways and there a British footy fanatic created Inter milan,when they were overrunn by the fascists,he left and created AC Milan.Anther railway engineer created Genoa.It's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?
    If the Brits did so much for bringing Argentina in the modern world eg trade, mechanisation etc., why did they side with the Nazis WW2 and become a haven for escaping Nazi like Eichmann, Mengele; Bormann et al?

    Is this true about Boston Sports?

    Sports in Boston are like women that we all know in our life.

    The Bruins are like that one night stand. You dont really pay attention to her or expect much from her, you just do her for fun.

    The Celtics are like the great long term relationship thats lost its spark. Its not like it used to be but you just cant walk away because you remember how good it used to be.

    The Patriots are like that brand new girlfriend, shes exciting, fun, and everyday is more exciting the last. You get scared though because you know the excitment cant last forever.

    The Red Sox are like an abusive relationship. They get your hopes up and then break your heart, but you keep coming back to them because you pray someday theyll change.Is this true about Boston Sports?
    I don't know if it's true, but it's freaking HILARIOUSIs this true about Boston Sports?
    Red sox fan huh?.......your question was so well written there is no answer worthy of it......all I can say is bill buckner......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr鈥? On the other hand.....2004....come back kids.....I also watch the other teams but they don't get to me like the em....hate em.....but always watch em....sure can't afford to go...yankees suck.....!!!!
    Holy C*** havent heard that before but thats entirely true :P

    Is it true that Michael Jordan used to practice 8 hours a day and that he was addicted to the sport?

    yea that is true
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Yoga and taichi are just boring sports - is it true?

    Yoga and tai chi are claimed as very good relaxing exercises. I believe this would be true only to a particular group of people. They are those who dont play any sport and stay indoors most of the time, basically a very sedentary life.

    Also, I think there is nothing as relaxing as a good short nap after playing a good game of tennis or any similar type of sport.

    Reply with your thoughts....Yoga and taichi are just boring sports - is it true?
    I would have to disagree with you.

    I am a very active person - I am at the gym 5-6 days per week. While there, I engage in heavy cardio routines and lift weights. I also play other sports in my spare time.

    I practice yoga and have also tried tai'chi in the past. I found both to be very relaxing. The meditation portions are great to find inner peace and strength.

    Honestly, it is a great balance to my other exercise choices. Practicing yoga helps me to be more flexible and perform better at the other things I do.

    Is it true that if you play sports you become popular?

    I was just wondering cause I played volleyball and then all of a sudden people I had never talked to were talking to me, but it might just have been because i went to a really small school(pre-k to 8th).

    and im not saying if you play sports you are instantly going to become popular im saying if you are good.

    Thanks=]Is it true that if you play sports you become popular?
    umm no..

    its just those people that are on your team, u seem to end up building a bond, so later when ur like walking from class to class, u guys would say hey or hug or sumtin, or chill with eachother at lunch..

    its not that you become popular, its just that u met other people that take an intret in what you like to do, so u become friends:psports is a great way to make friendsIs it true that if you play sports you become popular?
    well you could but usually its because you meet people that are on your team or that you play against, and then you have more friends.

    or else your really good at that sport, so people talk to you and congratulate you and stuff, so then your more popular

    it depends on the sport. and how good you are at it.

    i gained a lot of popularity through cheerleading. I was the only freshman on the varsity squad.
    depends on the sport, and if you're good. In highschool you can play a sport and still not be popular cus you either suck or no one cares about golf or some other sport thats lame.
    well its a good way to meet people and then those people can be like ya she's really nice and then a chain effect.
    if ur good at a sport, then u can became popular. ppl would talk alot bout u

    What is the difference between a ';True Freshman'; and a ';Red Shirt Freshman'; regarding college sports?

    True freshman plays the 1st year in college. Redshirt has been there at least 1 year and plays what is really his sophomore season but eligibility wise he is considered a freshman.What is the difference between a ';True Freshman'; and a ';Red Shirt Freshman'; regarding college sports?
    A true freshman plays their first year as a freshman. A red shirt freshman plays their 2ND year. If a player is ';red shirted'; this usually means that they need to be developed. It gives them a year to develop as a better player.What is the difference between a ';True Freshman'; and a ';Red Shirt Freshman'; regarding college sports?
    redshirt freshman sat out a year

    they didn't lose a year of eligability

    so they're ';technically'; sophomores

    true freshman is a freshman
    True freshman is a player in his freshman year of college...a redshirt freshman is in his sophomore year at the college, but sat out his freshman sports season due to a ';redshirt'; (it may be because of injury, but typically it is a year to mature phtysically or to learn the system due to the depth at that position)....he has four years of sports eligibility left, though he is in his second year of college.
    True Freshmen are usually considered first year eligible.Meaning that they are in their first true year of eligibility.But a ';red Shirt ';Freshman can be red shirted the year before to preserve 1 year of eligibility for the player and his respective team.Basically a Red Shirt only means that you can practice be dressed and do anything but play over a set amount by the NCAA.This way if you have a Senior All American at your position where you will go to can redshirt and let him go forward and you will retain that year of eligibility and not only have 3 yrs Will be a Red Shirt Freshman the next year and still have 4 yrs left.Hope it helps.
    True Freshman - their first year in college they play right away basically going from their high school games right to college games.

    Red Shirt Freshman - They sit out their first year of college and then they still have 4 years of college eligibility.

    Personally I would rather be red-shirted my first year so all I would really have to worry about is football my senior year. Plus freshman year you can concentrate on your studies and improve yourselve (weight room, speed, and conditioning) for when you play the first year.
    A true freshman is a freshman is a student who is a freshman in college.

    redshirt freshman means hes a freshman on the field, (bc of eligibility rules) but a sophomore in the class room.
    being red shirted means that you're good enough that they want you to play an extra year. you are only allowed to play four years of college sports, so if they ';red shirt'; you your first year, you train with the team but do not play.... then you have four whole years (after one year of training) to be great... they are basically grooming you to be the BEST!

    Is it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?

    read some reports on this,25197,22598366-5001505,00.html it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?
    No wonder you keep your Q's and A's private, Nass - if this is representative of them!Is it true that ';Racism is the 'ugly underbelly' of Australian sport';?
    No, cricket is ugly underbelly of Australian sport.

    The sooner we ban Cricket, the better.

    I am Australian and I hate Cricket

    It's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?

    I have understood that many British immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded clubs of football, rugby and GolfIt's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?
    Without checking on Wikipedia etc, there is a football club in Argentina (I think) called Everton, and another called Newell's Old Boys. Brazil has the Corinthians club.

    Argentines love horses and they are excellent polo players. there is probably some excellent Horse Racing in Argentina.

    As for Rugby, expect to see Argentina go from strength to srength in years to come.It's true that brits immigrants of 1900 in Argentina founded some sports?
    There was a small wave of British immigration to Argentina in the late 1800s to early 1900s and yes they introduced Polo, Golf, Football.

    They're are many football teams with English names such as..

    Newells Old Boys


    River Plate

    For the most part it was the Italians and English who formed the influences of clubs today.
    Well, Boca Juniors is a club team from Argentina and them got their colors from Sweden. Supposedly, if you have a Swedish passport then you can get a ticket for free (at their home games). But, I don't know if they still do that. Sorry it doesn't invlove British.There is a basketball Boca, a soccer, and I think a ruby one too.
    I don't really know but I wouldn't be surprised as the British or English has invented or created 80% of the inventions.

    Is it true Canada&Norway are killing seals for fun/as a sport?

    I saw this blog on myspace

    And it said that Canada and Norway are killing seals

    for fun and as a sport?

    I want to know if this is true,

    and if there are any articles or reports backing this up

    and confirming it?

    I'd really like to know

    Here's the blog where I found the story;friendID=140074876%26amp;blogID=261008215Is it true Canada%26amp;Norway are killing seals for fun/as a sport?
    No, it's not. At least not in Canada.

    There a lot of lies circulating about the seal hunt, but people are only mad about it either because of the large amount of misinformations circulating, (for example a lot of the protestors have pictures of baby white coats, it's been illegal to hunt those in Canada since 1987, or that the seal hunt isn't sustainable.) Or because they don't like the idea of killing seals because they're cute.

    The facts are, the seal hunt is much more sustainable than the fisheries (I would like to point out that those same European countries that are banning seal products are the ones who are ocean trolling, which is basically putting a giant net on the bottom of the ocean taking everything up and throwing away what they don't want) completely humaine (the protestors accusations that I have looked up have absolutley no basis nor any proof to support their accusations, except that what they are claiming is happening has been said to be unhumaine by veterenarians, they have no proof that what they say is happening is) and the seal hunt is the main source of income for many of the hunters.

    This is an article by the CBC, they're the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. They're a government funded reliable news source.鈥?/a>Is it true Canada%26amp;Norway are killing seals for fun/as a sport?
    It's so true! Here is the link I found online:

    Report Abuse

    why does nobody ever read what I write? Or look at the news articles I've dug up!? The first picture you have in your link is a baby white coat. Whoever killed it either killed it 20 years ago or did it illegally, not as part of the seal hunt. This link you have is full of lies.

    Report Abuse

    No not real
    No it's not true for Canada, the native people kill a certain amount of seal pups each year for food and they sell the pelts to clothing and coat manufacturers. The government and the Native tribe settle on a certain number of seal pups to be killed each year.

    Is dumb.

    Seals are only killed here in Canada for:

    1. Pelts. Mmmm sure love them soft pelts.

    2. Food. The Inuit eat seals all the time.

    3. Environment. The damned seals eat all the fish.
    Killing seals is definately NOT a sport in Norway either. That would be conidered immoral and it is also illegal.
    i do not think it is true.
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Is it true that ur personality or or ur excellence in sports or studies is also genetics?

    u get ur looks and stuff from ur parents but do u also get their good and bad caulilties in u too. like the way they walk and like if they were good in studies u become good too. or if they were athletic same comes for u.Is it true that ur personality or or ur excellence in sports or studies is also genetics?
    physical appearance is by genetics, thats for sure

    good and bad characteristics arent based on genes. Its based on their teaching ways. you learn from ur parents since u were young. thats why unknowingly, u get their style and characters.

    nevertheless, u can change ur good and bad habits, these can be controlled and overcome.

    how good u are at studies, or u may to say, talent, is more or less based on genetics.

    but u shouldnt let this limit u, i would say the environment you live in, has the greatest effect on youIs it true that ur personality or or ur excellence in sports or studies is also genetics?
    physical characteristics are genetic, and personality is tied to genetics but isn't based on it. However, genetic characteristics can be overcome/maintained/controlled/changed as we are human and with knowledge of how our individual bodies we can change a variety of things with it.

    Also, A person's personality is based on a multitude of factors including genetics, conditioning, environment, etc.
    you get your physical charactoristics from genetics but your personality forms later in life sometime depending upon how you were raised, there are 16 diff personality types and even as an adult it can change depending upon the inviroment you are put inand your attitude towards change.

    i persnally think the reason why we carry traits that may seem genetic is cause its instilled in us somehow, like how many times growing up have you heard that you act just like your aunt, or someone so after awhile you start observing that person and really start acting like them because you are being told that you do and also of course when your raised around certain people you tend to look up to thm and start acting like them.
    I think so. Lots of members of my family always look on everything negatively and feel sorry for themselves. Too much similarities to be a coincidence.

    Is it true if you bribe an usher at a sporting event, he'll give you better seats he knows to be open?

    How much to bribe?Is it true if you bribe an usher at a sporting event, he'll give you better seats he knows to be open?
    depends on the event 10-20will cover itIs it true if you bribe an usher at a sporting event, he'll give you better seats he knows to be open?
    He could also usher you out of the stadium.

    Who is the true SPORTS TRIVIA KING out there. Take on this question if you dare!!!!!!!!?

    What high school did Randy Moss go to? What high school did Jerry West go to? And what is the name of the current high school that consolidated from these two schools?Who is the true SPORTS TRIVIA KING out there. Take on this question if you dare!!!!!!!!?
    Randy Moss went to Dupont High School.

    Jerry West went to East Bank, West Virginia High School.

    They consolidated into Riverside High School in 1999.Who is the true SPORTS TRIVIA KING out there. Take on this question if you dare!!!!!!!!?
    are you asking because you want to know or asking to see if we know
    1. Dupont High School

    2. East Band West Virginia High School

    3. not sure
    i have no idea.

    post at the sports pub

    Jerry West went to East Bank. Randy Moss went to DuPont. They are now Manual. idea

    2. why do i need to know this

    3. does this really matter?

    good luck

    Why do a lot of guys-that I see-hide their true emotions for some gurls behind their sport/hobby?

    god...that really bugs me when a guy hides his emotions...its like you can't express your emotions when he can't do the sameWhy do a lot of guys-that I see-hide their true emotions for some gurls behind their sport/hobby?
    Look every man knows, you want a man. Really, men needs to hold it together, including a job, his family and his emotions. I know you would not have be atracted to someone who had feelings, because you would be supporting him, emotionally. . . .. . .Why do a lot of guys-that I see-hide their true emotions for some gurls behind their sport/hobby?
    rats and i was just about to post my answer when u gave him best answer!!! man one second too late!

    Report Abuse

    man i can't even post it cuz it's over 300 characters oh well. some other time then

    Report Abuse

    he feels afraid that if they express there emotions it result badly

    if they did it could either result in disaster or help there relationship but they rather not risk it unless the benifit is alot better than the consiquence

    Is it true that the legpress doesnt help with sports(not bodybuildin) because itsnt a natural range in motion?

    when i heard this i was so angry because a personal trainer told me that it would strengthen my running and get me jumping so i had been doing it for about 3 month ( i still squat and do freeweights mainly) but i did the legpress quite a bit. So all this did was help my leg definition?Is it true that the legpress doesnt help with sports(not bodybuildin) because itsnt a natural range in motion?
    Quite honestly there has been a debate raging around squats vs leg press for years. Most of it has been caused by people who know nothing. There are also plenty of personal trainers out there who, despite scientific proof, still push their own personal views on clients.

    The truth is that they both have their place. For instance, because you can go heavier on leg press it helps to boost your leg strength.

    Squats will always be superior for one simple reason. It requires more involvement from supporting muscles. Basically it recruits a massive amount of muscle.

    Leg press is alot more controlled, that's why you can go so heavy.

    What I suggest is using both. Focus more on squats but add leg press. It'll give you a nice full workout.

    There are 2 ways to include them both.

    1) Do squats for a month and switch to leg press for a month.

    2) Do 3 sets of squats followed by 2 sets of leg press.Is it true that the legpress doesnt help with sports(not bodybuildin) because itsnt a natural range in motion?

    The problem with the leg press is that although it strengthens your legs, it does not help strengthen your stabilizers which are important for performing many athletic movements. When you jump it's not just your legs you are using, you're also using your abs, calves, and shoulders.

    It's not necessarily a question of ';range of motion'; but functional application.

    Try using plyometrics or doing kettlebell exercises. You'll find you'll be getting stronger way faster compared to doing lots of leg press exercises.
    There was a scientific study (I don't remember where to find it again) between which exercise was better for vertical jump improvement. Squat vs leg press.

    The conclusion was that the people that did squats improved their VJ better compared to those that did leg presses..
    It helped me with sport, i only squat very rarely, like once every two weeks and i leg press every time im at the gym.

    And i'm 205lbs, 17, 10.2% body fat and i have a 37' vertical.

    But i do other leg weights, but i'm guessing leg press is a big part of that.

    And i do plyometrics.

    Soccer is a sport for the people.. In people's hearts, don't we all know who the true champions are?

    TRUE CHAMPIONS GET RESPECT-NOT PUBLIC CONDEMNATIONSoccer is a sport for the people.. In people's hearts, don't we all know who the true champions are?
    i know who played like true champs in that final game in berlin, it wasn't the winning team, and that's all i really care about.Soccer is a sport for the people.. In people's hearts, don't we all know who the true champions are?
    the people!@#$%^%26amp;*()





    ThE tRuE cHaMpIoNs ArE...FRANCE OF COURSE!!!!!


    *VIVE* *LA* *FRANCE*
    the public are the real champions
    And u r?

    R u justifying bad sportsmanship?

    One may know who the true champions are mentally, however, the Champion is recognized by score at the end of the game and the team holding the TROPHY. Your inner Champion is your Heart/Desire to play 110% regardless if you lose. All players are winners regardless of the outcome.

    Do keep in mind when the opponent wins you then become first place loser!

    Congrats, keep up the Heart of a Champion, eventually it will pay off and you will get the deserved recognition.
    What's soccer?
    Why can't you just drop this? Italy won. Just wait for four years, maybe France will win then, but Italy won this time and that's that!
    Hi, touzours! I like your question. The champions are:

    Italy #1

    France #2

    Germany #3

    Portugal #4

    ALL FOUR TEAMS DESERVE PRAISE AND RESPECT, ';not public condemnation';! You are correct!
    i am glad the french lost.i knew they were poor sports all along.
    the true Champions are Brasil baby!!!they rule!!!!!! they totally pwn football!!
    True that
    Of course we know who the true champions are: ITALIA


    I've paid my dues -

    Time after time -

    I've done my sentence

    But committed no crime -

    And bad mistakes

    I've made a few

    I've had my share of sand kicked in my face -

    But I've come through

    We are the champions - my friends

    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -

    We are the champions -

    We are the champions

    No time for losers

    'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

    I've taken my bows

    And my curtain calls -

    You brought me fame and fortuen and everything that goes with it

    I thank you all -

    But it's been no bed of roses

    No pleasure cruise -

    I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -

    And I ain't gonna lose -

    We are the champions - my friends

    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -

    We are the champions -

    We are the champions

    No time for losers

    'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

    ';They are my champions with all my heart and soul';
    yes we do England
    The best champions take their loss and act like men, by accepting that they lost and honoring those that they lost to.
    yes. the true champions are the ones who don't watch it
    Yes we do - now try and forget about it and move on, its so last month!
    Yes indeed we do.
    Oh, so true. If it weren't for the people there would be no deep emotions in football and there would be nothing to talk about the games afterwards.

    The more the French speak out about the WC2006 the more it shows they have their hearts in the right place.
    Really? I thought true champions get a fourth star on their jersey

    Or to put it another way, twice the amount you guys have - or is it four times?
    i totally agree!
    Of course we know. And france was 2nd

    And of course, even if i've always thought france is teaching to the rest of the world how to behave in the last years, i wouldn't be so proud if my captain had used his head like that

    Moreover don't you think maybe zidane wouldn't have mistaken the penalty?

    Maybe he has big feet but relly short brain, as it wasn't the first time for him

    My dear french, for this time.. LIBERTE' EGALITE TREZEGUET



    Yes i do think we know who the true champions are...ITALY

    p.s. u need a hobby
    yeah italy - they have the trophy
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • UK! Is it true that the national religion of Britain is f o o t b a l l and the national sport is s e x ?

    Actually more people go to church than go to football matches. The national religion of Britain is called being a lazy bastard. It involves doing as little as possible and then whinging because no-one else does it for you.UK! Is it true that the national religion of Britain is f o o t b a l l and the national sport is s e x ?
    No!Are you crazy or just sick!UK! Is it true that the national religion of Britain is f o o t b a l l and the national sport is s e x ?
    No, its the other way around.
    methinks you have that right.
    Well if that is the truth of it, I am moving there A.S.A.P. lmao!
    that's why there's less of us Brits on here, we're all too busy to participate on yahoo answers :)
    As far as religion goes, yes, football seems to be the national religion here. As for sex being the national sport.....On sex surveys in Europe, the UK always tags along down at the bottom, which means brits don't have sex nowhere near as many times as the rest of Europeans.
    Football for boys.

    Sex for girls.

    What a place......

    Sport is 'war minus the shooting'.... Is this true?

    Pls help out

    Thanks :DSport is 'war minus the shooting'.... Is this true?
    the saying has some truth to it, however it is just a saying so it does not mean it literally. when you are in a sport you spend so much time in practice preparing for the game so that all scenarios have been rehearsed by game time, much like the military. you have two teams pitted against each other, much like battle. The sports teams have a lot of camaraderie and truly develpe a felling of brotherhood much like the military. those are just the major ones, so as you can see you can draw many parallels, however like the poster up above stated, they are also very differentSport is 'war minus the shooting'.... Is this true?
    Hardly the case. I have been a professional athlete and made money fighting and competing while serving and put thirty-four years in with the military. In fact the Air Force re-wrote their regulations because of me and a few other individuals that were pursuing professional, athletic careers outside of the military on our own time. I competed and fought both nationally and internationally in martial arts as well as served during things going back as far as Vietnam and I can tell you that there is a huge difference. While serving I have seen the true costs and effects of war first hand on both sides as well as for some of the innocents that always seem to also have to bear a price and there is no comparison with sports or the price of competition and effects of that with those of war.
    for most sports I would say it's true. You have plans, rules, strategies, opposites sides competing for the same objective, etc...

    You have Offense and Defense
    No, there's a lot more to war than shooting. Fear, adverse conditions, bombs, and several other things that a game of Monday Night Football can't even compare to are a part of war.
    yes its tru like make out also like a war with bullet but not with a real gun
    not true..explain further maybe.

    Is it true that the subconstractor of the sports complex in Wasilla paid for the Palin family home?

    What an unusual situation. Giant construction contracts are being

    awarded to campaign contributors at the same time that ';buddies'; who

    just happen to be contractors are ';helping'; Todd build their two-story

    house. At the same time Sarah ensures there will be no public record

    of building permits. WTF? How is this different from the Stevens


    -- end quote

    We need to know:

    Who Built Sarah Palin's House?

    And how much did she and Todd pay them for it???

    Could it be that the contractors padded their bids on the Wasilla

    Sports Complex to cover the cost of the house??

    Is it true that the subconstractor of the sports complex in Wasilla paid for the Palin family home?
    They also did Ted Stevens home and we know what happened to him. I'd like to see Palin go to jail for all her lying.Is it true that the subconstractor of the sports complex in Wasilla paid for the Palin family home?
    Yes. So far that is the way it looks.

    Is it true they treat you badly at sports shops?

    I heard employers treat you badly if you work there. You know, places like Footlocker, JD, JJB etc. I want to get a part time job there.Is it true they treat you badly at sports shops?
    Sports stores do employ a lot of younger staff....and i'm afriad that often young junior staff do get treated badly.

    If you are concerned.....try going for a job at John Lewis or M%26amp;S...both companies with excellent records for great staff treatment.

    Good luck!Is it true they treat you badly at sports shops?
    Better than Wal Mart
    Yes. My manager spanked me with a cane and called me his *****.

    Is it true that David Beckham signed the most lucrative sports contract in world history?

    How much will he make?Is it true that David Beckham signed the most lucrative sports contract in world history?
    maybe..but the big money is on US basketball and baseball...of course real money is in Japanese Sumo earning can lasts 3 generations!!Is it true that David Beckham signed the most lucrative sports contract in world history?
    more than most of us will make in ten lifetimes
    think so
    Sumo wrestling is tough...lots of eating, pushing, humiliating training but earn real good money..
    yup. he makes a lot money more from advertising than playing football's not!
    No, he is the third highest paid athlete, behind Michael Vick and Shaq.
    i doubt

    Is it true that chocolate milk is just as good or better than a sports drink?

    Is it better than something like gatorade for instance?Is it true that chocolate milk is just as good or better than a sports drink?
    It depends on what you mean by ';better for you';. Sports drinks really are made for people who have been working out (or in some cases really sick). They are made to replace lost electrolytes. They are full of calories, sugars and sodium. However if you have been losing those things then sports drinks can be really good for you. If, on the other hand, you are just looking for a good nutritious tasty drink, chocolate milk would be better for you.Is it true that chocolate milk is just as good or better than a sports drink?
    What type of workout are you doing?

    For rehydration after a long cardio workout: regular nonfat milk.

    For post-workout recovery (protein and carbs) after weightlifting: nonfat chocolate milk.
    Fat-free milk isn't bad for you and has a nice amount of protein.

    Milk with fat and chocolate milk are very calorie and fat dense, making them poor choices.

    Stick with water and non-fat milk for beverages. Avoid sugar.
    of course!

    gatorade sustains liquids unless you exercise a lot!

    and milk on the other hand is healthy, and better tasting.
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • U ever had a dream about the outcome of a sports match that came true?

    u ever dream the correct score or result of a major game the night before and the result is the same as in ur dream?U ever had a dream about the outcome of a sports match that came true?
    No, but if you have I'd advise starting a career as someone who bets on sports matches.

    Is it true that most college sports programs are not profitable, or in other words are not self-sustaining?

    I'm nearly $100,000 in debt from going to college, and I shudder to think some of that debt was for tuition that went toward a sports program instead of my education.Is it true that most college sports programs are not profitable, or in other words are not self-sustaining?
    It depends on what you mean by profitable. While the bottom dollar may usually mean that the athletic programs do not make money, schools see athletics as more than worth the price when it comes to recruiting students and marketing the college name. My last college president (I'm an administrator) always said that for every football player, he brought at least one buddy and a girlfriend with him. That increase in enrollment is what makes athletic programs worthwhile to colleges.Is it true that most college sports programs are not profitable, or in other words are not self-sustaining?
    all sports programs have a line item in the budget that varies from school to school based on the financial resources available to them, only the top schools that play on TV and go to major bowls are really profitable...when you pay tuition to a school you are paying for all the programs that school offers, most sports programs rely on the booster system and the donations from alumni along with sponsorship deals from the shoe companies, soda companies etc...

    Is this statement true or false about 4 sports teams?

    the red wings in hockey is like the dallas cowboys in football, the L.A. lakers in basketball, and the new york yankees in baseball. most of everyone hates them except the people that are from the state that those teams are from.Is this statement true or false about 4 sports teams?
    no that statement would be considered false if u are saying that only people from those states like those teams. Im from missouri and i like the dallas cowboys and so does my family in new york and chicago. also some of my family likes the yankees and they also are from missouri.

    QUIZ: What team is the only true team left in all professional sports?

    Hint: It doesn't have one owner.QUIZ: What team is the only true team left in all professional sports?
    geelong football clubQUIZ: What team is the only true team left in all professional sports?
    The Green Bay Packers are still owned by the city.
    The New England Patriots?

    I'm thinking of going to Oberlin College in Ohio, but someone told me it has no sports or frats; is this true?

    I know that Oberlin is a music school, but I was told it has no sports or fraternities; is this true? If it isn't true, then what sports and fraternities does it have?I'm thinking of going to Oberlin College in Ohio, but someone told me it has no sports or frats; is this true?
    According to their site they have baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, field hockey, softball and volleyball.

    However they do not have any fraternities.

    Which Car is the only true American Sports Car?

    It was first produced in 1953 in St. Louis MO.Which Car is the only true American Sports Car?
    Corvette and Viper are the only American sports carsWhich Car is the only true American Sports Car?
    The first one was produced in Flint, MI and then St. Louis at a truck assembly plant. Now it is one of the 2 cars that roll off the 3 lines at Bowling Green, KY. The latest versions of All American Sports Car are the C6 and ZO6...both Corvettes. The other car from Bowling Green? and luxurious Cadillac XLR.
    Corvette (duh).
    Sting Ray
    The Corvette. When this car first came out it was only to look like a sporty car but the only thing it did was handle sporty (for its time) it only had a straight six engine and two speed auto or three speed stick. GM was trying to compete with the European market that's why it didn't have any go power. Back when this car was new A lot of Americans where starting to buy small European sports cars so GM saw this opportunity to compete with them and that's when the need for the Corvette Arose.
    1953 chevy corvette
    Sorry son but the first 250 were built in Detroit and production moved to St Louis were the rest of them were massed produced
    Kaiser Darrin. It wasn't produced in St. Louis.
    Any car that has the name Chevy on it'; SUCKS';
    Well I'm probably the only person in the country who doesn't really care for them, but I have to admit the ';first'; real American sports car was (and is) the Corvette. The Dodge Viper is about the only other U.S. competition against it. But there is a true difference between ';sports car'; and ';muscle car'; so all you other gearheads out there don't start comparing apples to oranges. The Mustang, Firebird, Camaro, and all the Detroit iron from the 60's %26amp; 70's aren't in the same classification. Yeah they were fast and could probably outrun the Vette, but put them on an race track or send them through the slalom and the Vette would waste them. The handling of those old muscle cars is about as stable as plate of jell-o.

    Is it true that girls who know sports are the best kinda girlfriends to have?

    if so then i need to stop being with the asian ladies they are hot but they don't like sports.Is it true that girls who know sports are the best kinda girlfriends to have?
    No. Let's say I go on a date.

    And I say, ';Wow you look like Sam Cassell!';

    And she says, ';What!?!?!';

    I say, ';You know basketball?';

    She says, ';Of course! btw we're breaking up!'

    I yell, ';NO!!!!! If only I had a girl that doesn't know b-ball!! WHY!!!!';Is it true that girls who know sports are the best kinda girlfriends to have?
    I'd much rather have a good-looking girlfriend, with a good personality than one that knows sports.

    Even though sports are great, I think girls are kinda cute when you have to explain sports to them.
    no too manly.
    lol not really. Most girls that know sports are tom-boyish. (which isnt a bad thing, but just not my type).
    i sure think so
    no unless their cheerleaders then we win

    What is the the difference between a true and red shirt freshman in college sports?

    LOL at some of these answers.

    the difference is 12 months

    A common mistake made by alot of fans is they think a redshirt freshman can not play at all through out the season but that is not really the case. You can play the first 3 weeks but anything after that you lose your redshirt. A redshirt freshman gains a year of eligibility and can play stay on the team for 5 years instead of just 4 so he might not be ready to play his first season so he gets that extra year to prepare.


    Redshirt is someone who got hurt and can make that year up. True is someone who comes in, and is a big contributer to the team.----- You do not have to get hurt, you are just not ready to play. If a player has redshirted and then gets hurt say his senior year and misses alot of it he can apply for a medical redshirt and if NCAA approves it he can stay for a 6th year. A true freshman does not have to be a big contributer but just someone who steps in for one play.

    a true freshman is one that is a starter

    while a red shirt is basically like the 3rd string etc.------ once again he doesn't have to be a starter just has to play one play- redshirt can't be 3rd string because that would consist of them at sometime having to play

    you'd rather be a true frosh than a red shirt, put it that way----- he just has no idea probably hasn't watched more than a couple games in his life.

    as much as I hate to say it Buckeye fan is the only one who knew what he was talking about.What is the the difference between a true and red shirt freshman in college sports?
    a true freshman is one that is a starter

    while a red shirt is basically like the 3rd string etc.What is the the difference between a true and red shirt freshman in college sports?
    a red shirt freshman sit out the season before and thus can still play 4 years where as a true freshman is in his first season and playing
    Redshirt is someone who got hurt and can make that year up. True is someone who comes in, and is a big contributer to the team.
    wow. so everyone has it wrong pretty much. redshirt means that you don't play during your freshman year of school, but you still have 4 years of eligibility. so during your sophomore year of classes you will only be recognized as a freshman as far as sports eligibility is concerned. This also comes into play when athletes are injured... if they only play a small part of the season before they are injured they do not lose the year of eligibility.
    A redshirt freshman doesnt play but true freshman does play.
    A red shirt freshman is a player who has sat out his first year without being in a single snap. ( If a red shirt is in a play, he will forfeit red shirt role.

    A true freshman didn't sit out a year and pays as a freshman

    The main difference between a red-shirtt and a true freshman is that the red-shir will be on the team five years, while the true freshman will only have four.
    a red shirt freshman is someone who was hurt in their actual freshman year, and they redshirt so they can have 4 years of healthy football, a true freshman, however, is someone who is a freshman who starts as a freshman
    you'd rather be a true frosh than a red shirt, put it that way

    Why does California have so many sports teams, but so little true fans?

    Call me crazy, but Laker fans don't know ';squat.'; Your thoughts?Why does California have so many sports teams, but so little true fans?
    Lakers has nothing but Kobmesexuals

    Clippers have nothing

    Kings have true fans but don't have a true team

    Warriors have no point in being in the NBAWhy does California have so many sports teams, but so little true fans?
    I live in VA

    Pro Sports Team in CA:

    LA Lakers

    LA Clippers

    LA Dodgers

    Golden State Warriors

    LA Angels

    San Fransisco Giants

    San Fransisco 49ers

    Sacramento Kings

    San Diego Padres

    San Diego Chargers

    Oakland Raiders

    Okland A's

    forgiv me if i hav left any out

    Let's see thats CA - 12 VA- 0 YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME
    Because California has so much things to do, like Beaches, clubs, etc.

    If you go to Alabama, Football is religion there. Because there isnt much to do besides watch Football.
    WARRIORS fans are true fans win or lose they support they're team unlucky for them they have stupid GM in there... there are still people who support the KINGs win or lose...even the CLIPs have true fans....

    BOSTON CELTICS that i am sure has little true fans....

    i know you wish you were in california, its okay .

    and, your crazy rodney, stop hating .

    edit:lol big red, we areee fabulous . at least we dont live on farms and wear overalls like alabama .
    That's pretty much it. There's so many teams in California, that ANY person can say he was a fan of that one team just because they're the best out of all the other teams at the time..
    Sorry honey but I think I know way more than you. Thank you ******.

    And I don't know why...Maybe because California is a big state...or maybe its just because we are fabulous haha....don't hate!!

    edit* lmao laker girl vixen!! so true haha!
    The Clippers suck and don't have any fans. The Warriors really suck and no one even knows where they play. After that you have the Fakers...I mean, the Lakers....
    yea we do. if u think kobe isnt as good LJ then ur dead wrong. kobe got 3 rings to prove plus puttjng 81 points in 1 game something lebron will never do. lakers winning the whole thing this year and u think otherwise ur dead wrong
    because it's a statement and trendy to be supporting a team, instead of loving the game and the players
    I agree 100%26amp; with you!!
    Hey genius, why do you think only people from California could be Laker fans? I'm not from the US and there are hundreds of thousands of Laker fans in my country
    Idk.. maybe because there is so many people in California.
    Trust me

    We have a lot of true Warriors fans.....
    most of them are bandwagoners and the clippers/warriors suck ***
    ...except for the Lakers. Those are some true fans, right??
    most of fans are celebs. they like to roll with whoever is doing good
    cuz it aint Texas

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Is it true that we are not allowed to make exercises(sports) just before going to bed?

    I heard that it is not good to use the machines that we have at home to make some exercises just a few minutes before going to bed.For example, if one has a bycicle at home, he or she should practice latest one hour before going to bed. Is that true?What do you know about that?Is it true that we are not allowed to make exercises(sports) just before going to bed?
    It's not bad for your health or anything, but exercise is something that wakes you up and makes you more alert. That's why it's not recommended to exercise before you sleep cause then you might have trouble falling asleep. It's also why it's recommended to exercise in the morning so you can wake up. Whatever though, I exercise at night. Not right before I sleep but still I do it at night.Is it true that we are not allowed to make exercises(sports) just before going to bed?
    Exercise makes one active, how can one then fall asleep.
    Its like asking if having sex before going to bed is bad for you. Of course not, as long as you can go to sleep afterward. However if it cardiovascular exercise that you are doing, make sure that you wind down slowly, so your heart rate is back to almost normal before you get off the equipment. And remember that the highest risk of a heart attacks occur just after the awakening.
    You are foreign aren't you?
    Are you sure?? or maybe they will cost you a little bit tired than not to do the exercises before you sleep, or they will make you over sweat while on the bed and you'll get cold and sick because of that. That's my answer, hopefully could help you much.
    I have not heard of this, but I have heard the best time to exercise is in the morning. I can not see why it would be a problem. If you do this and you sleep fine, I don't see the problem. However I'm not a doctor.

    I just purchased a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport and my neighbor told me it has All Wheel Dirve. Is this true?

    Assuming that you have a 4X4 model, the 2000 Explorer 4X4 was offered with 2 systems to operated the 4 wheel drive, one is all wheel drive and one is automatic 4 wheel drive. If you have the all wheel drive it will have no external controls, no shifter for the transfer case, no push buttons, nothing. If you have the automatic 4X4 system there will be a selector button on the dash allowing you to change from Automatic 4X4, to 4 High, or into 4 Low. If you do have the selector knob you can shift into 4 High at speeds up to 55 MPH, to get into 4 Low you need to be stopped, in neutral and your foot on the brake to prevent damaged to the planetary gear set inside the transfer case.I just purchased a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport and my neighbor told me it has All Wheel Dirve. Is this true?
    some have it and some don't, see your dealer , check the manual, all wheel is a good thing if you have itI just purchased a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport and my neighbor told me it has All Wheel Dirve. Is this true?
    It is possible. I was thinking that the AWD models have a badge on the body that says it's an AWD SUV. good luck.
    on your dash panel there should be a switch that reads 4x4, hi, lo, and auto 4x4.
    I am pretty sure that it does have four wheel drive. However, check your owners manual. It probably says what models have four wheel drive. In my Mustang manual it specifies certain things that the Shelby models have that the base V6 and GT Mustangs don't, so I imagine it would have a page on 4WD, and it would say something like Standard on Explorer Sport.
    did your neighbor look under it? there will be a pumpkin under the front simular to the rear
    if everything fail, call your dealer with a serial # of the truck they can tell everything from the serial#.
  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Is it true that African Americans excel in sports due to selective breeding during slavery?

    yes it is trueIs it true that African Americans excel in sports due to selective breeding during slavery?
    You just made me laugh sprite out of my nose!Is it true that African Americans excel in sports due to selective breeding during slavery?
    don't be an's because they work harder, push more weights, etc...u better put on your Klan uniform now and go burn some crosses...that'll make you feel better
    Unfortunately there was selective breeding during slavery. Every time I think about it, I picture myself in love with some great guy, but forced to ';marry'; and procreate with someone I have absolutely no interest in because we're both muscular or fast or have stamina. HORRIBLE! I picture that I get beaten because I keep sneaking off to my love, then they sell him off to keep us apart. Romance novel stuff. Anyway, I do know what you're talking about and don't think it's racist. It actually did happen. I think we're not properly taught of the dynamics and details of slavery. Some people don't seem to know much about it or even stop to think about how it relates to today. While it's their choice if the descendants of these people just sit on the couch and eat Cheetos, it makes more sense for some of them to use their physical prowess.
    no, but it doesn't hurt.
    Never thought of that but you could be right
    I've actually heard that many times as horrible as it sounds and is. some also say that that's why there are hardly any black quarterbacks-they're mostly white (because quarterbacks tend to be more intelligent than the other positions)--awful theory isn't it? seems to be true tho...
    This theory has a high probability. Because we see that African Americans excel in most cases at sports far greater than any of their ethnic counterparts from Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast....basically all of West Africa. I am sure if West Africa could produce a basketball player as skilled as Michael Jordan was, he would hop his *** on the first plane to the USA, (just like the Russians hop on the first plane to Canada if they are excellent hockey players,) because we all know the NBA pays quite well.
    no. their background comes from people who worked hard and did a lot of lifting and all, so they develop muscles and everything quicker and stay skinny most of the time
    That is probly the stupidest thing ive ever heard! Dont waste everyones time!
    It sounds politically incorrect but it makes sense looking at the history of it. It's possible that it helped.

    Pa says the only real sport is Nascar is this true?

    we only get Nascar on the Radio but i like to look at picturs on the interet computer at the libaryPa says the only real sport is Nascar is this true?
    Yes. And Nascar drivers are the only real athletes.Pa says the only real sport is Nascar is this true?
    No the realest sport is football
    I got stuck in Nascar traffic today. It sucked! I'm mad at Nascar! LOL.
    Nascar is not a sport. It is a horrible waste of resources--think of all the gas being put into a car so that some idiot with an adrenaline addiction can drive it in a circle a bunch of times...nothing productive comes out of it, and that gas goes to waste. Think about that the next time you pay $3.00/gallon for gas.
    indeed it is!
    Pa needs to get out of the garage once in a while.
    i don't want to answer ur question but i have a comment on ur picture ';Tenasee'; u a have a very ugly face u really scared me..
    yes because driving super fast shows your true dexterity, agility and overall stamina... nascar may be a skilled activity but it ain't a sport

    Is It True That Fighting Bettas Is A Sport?鈥?/a>Is It True That Fighting Bettas Is A Sport?
    yes sort of but I would call it something more like competitive training than a sport remember it is not specifically legislated against but may be seen as illegal in your area IN my opinion keeping them in bowls is more cruel but that is just meIs It True That Fighting Bettas Is A Sport?
    no it is not a sport. it is just like cock fighting or dog fights but with fish. just something for people to bet on.

    Is it true cause someone told me that at 16 you can olny get under 250cc sport bike in Illinois?

    some1 has been blowin smoke up yer a-ss. if u bothered to do just a little bit of digging, u'd found the right answer. nowhere do i see on the official illinois dmv site does it say 16 yr olds are restricted to under 250. it does mention there are 2 types of licenses...1 of them is for 150cc or less, another is 150cc and up. recon here:鈥?/a>

    doesnt say anything in the ama database of state laws that sez u can only have under 250cc's.鈥?/a>

    in any event, in order to get ur mc license in illinois, u have to take and pass the msf course. plain and simple.Is it true cause someone told me that at 16 you can olny get under 250cc sport bike in Illinois?
    Ok may I just point out that is soooo stupid.Is it true cause someone told me that at 16 you can olny get under 250cc sport bike in Illinois?
    Yes. Until you're 18 in Illinois you're only allowed to ride something under 250 CC.

    Is it true that the Free Masons own most Pro Sports teams and Major News Networks?

    If so, then why? What is the hidden Agenda of the Worlds Free Masons?Is it true that the Free Masons own most Pro Sports teams and Major News Networks?
    NWOIs it true that the Free Masons own most Pro Sports teams and Major News Networks?
    i guess right isn't a qualification... good thing short and sweet worked out. that doesn't say anything about society, now, does it?

    Report Abuse

    I believe alot of secretive groups are interlinked in their beliefs, Merovingian, free masons, illuminati, and some of these ufo groups. check out two movies only available on net as they are not popular with broadcasting heavies. ones called Zietgeist, watch it on google video.

    Report Abuse

    The other movie is called The Arrivals but is best viewed on You Tube, and is a series. Dont let it freak you out and remember its just food for thought.

    Report Abuse

    Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million (including around 480,000 in England, Scotland and Ireland alone, and just under two million in the United States). The various forms all share moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases, a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.

    The fraternity is administratively organized into Grand Lodges (or sometimes Orients), each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. Grand Lodges recognize each other through a process of landmarks and regularity. There are also appendant bodies, which are organizations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.

    Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple, to convey what has been described by both Masons and critics as ';a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.';
    No the Freemasons don't own Sports Teams and Media networks...

    You must be thinking of the ';Illuminati';

    Bring on the ';New World Order'; Great lol lol

    Your second question is moot since the answer to the first is NO.

    to some others:

    * freemasonry has never been associated with the NWO conspiracies

  • feel the rain on your skin
  • Gift cards -';make dreams come true'; Let's you parachute, drive sports car, higher a personal chef to cook

    Featured on ';BT'; (Breakfast television in Toronto) a few years ago with Jenn talking about it..and I think she bought the one with the personal chef coming to her house to cook, I think they mentioned that you can buy it at Shopper's Drug Marts...any ideas?Gift cards -';make dreams come true'; Let's you parachute, drive sports car, higher a personal chef to cook

    Never heard of this but it sounds like a Great idea!

    Good Luck on finding the info about this! =)Gift cards -';make dreams come true'; Let's you parachute, drive sports car, higher a personal chef to cook

    There is another one called experience gifts or something like that, just do a web search that is under experience gifts and you will find a ton of these websites and what areas they serve.

    I hope this helps!

    Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?

    I've been invited for the people to people sports ambassador program for swimming and I'm not quite sure if it is really true...Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?
    My daughter also just rec'd the invite letter. From what I've read so far online, it seem ';the invite'; is sent to ALOT of players. Not sure how ';special'; the invite is (just viewing it as reality) - they send out many in hopes to get a good showing at the meetings... With that said, it does sound like it would be a great experience. There have been various amounts of what it costs put out there anywhere from 2k-6k... We will go and listen at the meeting to see what's what. All that costs is our time.Is the People to People Sports Ambassador Program True?
    i just got the soccer one in the mail also. but my brother also got the people to people students one. so im not quite sure how prestigous it really is.

    Report Abuse

    i just got invited for soccer in the mail today I know nothing about it
    yeah its true they have a website just Google it

    Is it true that Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Cards expire?

    I've had mine since Christmas and I think I should use it.Is it true that Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Cards expire?
    They are valid for 12 months,so if i were you id use it..

    I read somewhere that cricket is the second most popular sport in the world; is this true?

    hmmm....don't believe everything you read.I read somewhere that cricket is the second most popular sport in the world; is this true?
    yes, its the second most popular ';Team'; sport, right after soccer(football),

    it has a very organized international structure a 'world cup' and year round world cricket that is played all over the world.

    its played in over 80-90 countries, it has a World Cricket league format which has over 30 Nations , which are considered affiliate members of ICC,

    Basketball, Rugby and Hockey(field) would all be close 3rd, ice hockey, baseball would follow after that.I read somewhere that cricket is the second most popular sport in the world; is this true?
    it's false, baby
    Bet there is no definitive answer to ';What is the most popular sport in the World?';.

    It is claimed that swimming is THE most popular, merely virtue of the fact that everybody swims ... although not as a sport, just for leisure.

    On that premise, surely Running'; and ';Walking'; would also be considered as popular.

    I have also heard that it be claimed that Fishing is also the most popular. I suppose most people have tried it at least once. But if you consider that huge parts of the world is nowhere near water, then I would doubt it.

    Cricket probably is one of the most popular competetive sports, due to the fact that huge amounts of population play it, especially when you take in to account it's popularity in places like India, Pakistan and the rest of the Indian sub-continent.

    However, that also asks the question on what sports do they play in other highly populated countries like China and Russia.

    So, yes, cricket is probably one of the most popular, but the definition of sport has to be refined, and population habits explored to have a definitive answer.
    no its not
    I thought grass hoppers were.
    probably yes as india has the 2nd highest population in the world

    Tennis was the first sport to be filmed. true or false?


    FOOT BALL MATCH WAS FILMED FIRST AS RUDOLPH HITLER WATCHING THAT.Tennis was the first sport to be filmed. true or false?
    False. The first live sporting even broadcast on television was Joe Lewis vs Jimmy Conn which to place at Yankee Stadium. 1941Tennis was the first sport to be filmed. true or false?
    False. Boxing was the first sport to be filmed.
    probably true, because it was the most popular at the time motion pictures were invented. and since rich people could offord to get film, they probably filmed it on the rich ';gentlemen'; sport of tennis.

    Any true boxing historians here to educate and exchange knowledge of the sport we love so much?

    well i think the biggest was Santana Desol who recently departed this earth but id like to think i can carry on some of his knowlege that he tought me im a big fan of boxing and id love to give my knowlege to any question you ask.


    ~Cherokee74Any true boxing historians here to educate and exchange knowledge of the sport we love so much?
    I don't know much about the past generations in boxing, but the new school is my thing..Any true boxing historians here to educate and exchange knowledge of the sport we love so much?
    I'm sorry Johnnie, but my mom won't let me hold conversations with cartoon characters. I'm in counceling already for chrissake! Just kidding - anytime!

    if boxing history is what you are really interested in, then Bluedevil is the man you most definitely need to contact, before anyone else here. This man is a true boxing historian and along side the late, great Santana D, probably the biggest expert on this sport's grand tradition that ever logged on to this forum. Apart from him I recommend Frank D, Pancho, CJ, mrraraavis, Paulie, baz31 and Brent. They are all very knowledgeable and respectful when boxing tradition is concerned and I believe that you can get a lot of great insight from all of them on various aspects of this part of the ';sweet science';.
    I hope so.....I'm here to learn more.
    Shut up ni66er, since when have ni66ers like this been allowed to ask questions?
    You bet but watch out for the nuts like douglas c
    That was my whole reason for joining, amigo! It's been fun so far.
    Plenty, Rick, Smitty, Brent, Pancho, LL Vette and Flif just to name a few who have taught the blogbaba quite a bit during the time I have been frequenting this site. Cherokee 74 gets a thumbs up from the blogbaba for acknowledging our bro Santana D, he was our best and brightest before God took him.

    Anyone with a love of boxing becomes a historian with time if they stay around the sport long enough.
    Love too, I follow your questions and my knowledge might be limited to yours.
  • feel the rain on your skin