Friday, February 5, 2010

I was told today that the only sport an atheist can compete in is the Special Olympics, is this true?

Being an atheist, I didn't believe it at first but I noticed that Christopher Reeve was an atheist and was in a wheel chair. Should I be concerned?I was told today that the only sport an atheist can compete in is the Special Olympics, is this true?
being an atheist is Just like being gay. Both are a choice people make to go against God their creator. anyway, I think it is pretty poor all the obsession about atheists, the greatest danger we face today is not from the unbelievers, But those that claim to believe and teach for doctrine the doctrine of man.I was told today that the only sport an atheist can compete in is the Special Olympics, is this true?
Sports don't depend on your religion. (Or lack of religion? I don't really know what atheism is referred to as)

In on e sports team, there could be a Jew, a Mormon, an atheist, and Hindu, et cetera. It really doesn't matter. They can't discriminate on that, unless it is specifically for a certain religious group. LIke the Jewish Boys basketball Team. But that probably doesn't exist...
You should be ok, you'll be able to enter the intellectually challenged race. You should be ok at swimming as well, your pinhead will help you lower your resistance in the water and help you swim faster.
well i play baseball and i am also a kendo champion plus i am also a 4 time state champ of shooting but last time i checked kendo and shooting weren't allowed at the special olympics
neverheard of that doesn't make much sense to me considering most atheist dont really follow rules (please correct if wrong)

i am a satanist and i play sports :)
How can you do the high jump without believing in a higher power? ... that sounded better in my head...
You should be concerned... but for very different reasons.
Is your lack of a absolute moral code showing?
I doubt I could even compete in that...
He he... shut up, will you?

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