Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that soccer is not a popular sport in america ?

i'm only asking because it's the most popular game around the world and it's my favorite .hpw about u?Is it true that soccer is not a popular sport in america ?
Soccer is not popular in the US. American football, now that's the sport.

Cheers.Is it true that soccer is not a popular sport in america ?
Reason No. 1

American teams in soccer get annihilated so hence it isn't a popular sport over there. Patriotism is difficult when the team you're supporting are being raped, and we all know Americans love a good Patriotic swing of that flag of theirs.

Reason No. 2

They can't claim to have a ';world series';, when the rest of the world would destroy them at the game, so no ego boost there. No excitement or anything.
Soccer is the most popular sport in America, not on television, but in sheer playing numbers. The problem is that the TV contracts are for the top 4 leagues. Football, baseball, basketball, and hockey.

It is pretty sad but ESPN devotes more time to womens basketball than soccer. Also until they rein in the sportscasters who obviously do not like the sport it will be slow growing.

We have ESPN and some popular shows that give little time to the sport. When they do give time all they do is bash it because they don't understand it.

A good example is a show called PTI. It has 2 well know sportscasters. One is a american football fan the other a basketball fan. When they have to talk about soccer you can see the disgust in their faces and they trash it. Usually by saying ';I could care less';.

It is pretty sad that they keep these people on the air. But the sport is gaining momentum. A couple of items to note. Soccer is a realatively inexpensive sport to watch. The stadiums are more fan friendly and you don't need binoculars to watch the game. With more and more immigrants coming to this country they are bringing their love of the game with them.

10 years ago the sport did not even get TV time or a blip on the sports shows. Now it has a regular spot every week and shows are forced to talk about it because there is a demand for it.

If the US happens to do well or win a world cup in the next 7 years the sport will take off. It is only a matter of time.
Personally, I love soccer it's really entertaining when you get two good clubs in a great match. But I can't stand MLS, it is so boring. Which is why many americans do not like soccer because when they think of it, they think MLS which is boring. Can't wait for the world cup to come!!

I think soccer will catch on soon enough, the MLS just has to become stronger and more entertaining. Lacrosse caught on so why can't soccer?
I'm and European living in the US and I can tell you that soccer here is a joke .... literally. It's a punchline for sports comentators when they wanna mock another sport; nothing more. It's so outside the american sports scene that it's not even funny. Personally, I don't understand why but I've come to accept it.
Soccer is not popular in America because we like action, scoring, and contact. Most of the soccer players in America are small children under the age of 10.

Most of these kids play soccer because their parents are concerned they might be injured if they played a real game like football.
I think soccer is popular in America. At least where I am everyone loves to play it. Especially in schools...on different teams, gym...its one of those sports everyone thinks they can play...because it looks like your kicking a ball, so they try it. when they're not any good...they have a challenge, keep going and love it.!

I played soccer in hs...but watching it...I was never a fan...but I don't like watching any sport (unless its someone I know) or I just get up and do it myself/way more interesting.
Soccer is hands down my favorite sport! I am from the states and I love and play it. But, it is true. Soccer is not very popular in USA. America likes football and baseball for their top sport choices. Soccer is liked but is definitely not a favorite. This saddens me as much as it saddens you : (
I personally love soccer. But no, in America, I wouldn't say it's all that popular, it has it's crowd, don't get me wrong, but Americans are more into Football, basketball and baseball. Those are the Three top sports, and Hockey. Soccer is somewhere in there.
Soccer is a pretty popular sport for children/teens. It is also popular in the adult/professional leagues as well. But if your comparing it to basketball, football, or baseball in America it is no where close.
It's very popular for school-aged kids, and even some colleges. But, professional isn't big at all here. Football is what Americans mostly watch, then baseball, then hockey, then basketball. But, sadly no soccer.
Well, its not as popular in the US as the world. US has a lot of other sports, but soccer is getting popular because of players like Beckham, and MLS is getting better too.

But it is not good here.

And it is my favorite sport!
i think it's more popular to play than to watch on tv. a lot of people that like sports don't like to watch/follow soccer because they think it's a sissy sport. but it's extremely popular with kids and teenagers.
It's mostly a sport played by females, I believe.

Personally I'm from the UK and baseball is my favourite sport.

No, it's not true.

Many people where I live (Minnesota) including myself, play soccer

it depends on the person %26amp; area. i personally enjoy it. (i'm from west virginia, usa)

what country do you live in?
soccer is popular but not as popular as football, hokey,baseball. personly i love soccer more than anything
football is popular in america, so is baseball. u dont hear about soccer tournaments on the news like u hear about the yankees and the giants
Soccer is popular here in America, it just isn't number 1 like football and baseball.
Well I love it, and yes it is popular. Just not as popular as other sports or as popular as it is in other countries.
I think that most Americans don't understand that a sport match can end with a score of 0-0 and despite that be exciting
soccer is my favorite.

and it is a popular sport in america
Where i'm from soccer is a huge thing so that statement is untrue
Yup. Soccer isn't that popular at all!!!! I wish it was. In some areas they don't even have soccer.
NO way, soccer is very popular in the U.S. :)
It is less popular than George Bush. I have one word for Soccer....boring.
No it isn't popular here. It's more of a kids game here.
uhmm....i dont think so. lots of people in the usa play soccer.
no sex is

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