Friday, February 5, 2010

Is racing the only true sport, because everything else is just a game?

acually, you misquoted ernest hemmingway, dumb***! his quote was, ';there are only 3 sports, mountain climbing, bull fighting, and auto racing. all the rest are merely games';Is racing the only true sport, because everything else is just a game?

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Is racing the only true sport, because everything else is just a game?
yeah, racing sure is a sport. you sit in a car and drive around in circles, peeing and pooping in your pants. thats hardcore.
Hey, if you hate racing, you have a choice to not watch it.

Grow up and get your kicks someplace else. Racing fans have the RIGHT to be racing fans, and we have the right to talk about it. If you are bored by racing go on your sport's message boards and hang out there.
yes that's what some people say but i think if you have to work hard and go to practice then it's a sport
technically it's not the only sport but it is the best

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