Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do you think that Frank Dux story in Blood Sport is really true?

is there any underground tournament of the best fighters in the world today.Do you think that Frank Dux story in Blood Sport is really true?
Frank Dux was exposed as a fraud. His Kumite Trophy was bought at a local Trophy shop just a few miles from where he lived. he also said he trained in Ninjitsu from some guy that no one can find records of even existing. Also some veterans found out his so called MIlitary record was a fraud as well. Also there is a picture of him mixing medals from different branches of the armed forces on his uniform when he was supposedly only in the Army. He claimed the uniform was for a costume party but him being a veteren should have known better and made sure the uniform was correct. Plus no record of any such no hld barred event called the Kumite exists. Basicly Dux conned a guy at Black belt Magazine to run a article on him and the kumite so that he could become popular and make a little money. Do a little research a lot of people know he is a fraud.Do you think that Frank Dux story in Blood Sport is really true?
NO!and just to add further to what bluto said VD is also a fraud.he's a gay ballet dancer he couldn't knock an old lady off her pisspot.

if you really want some one to look up to try bas ruttin.
The story is true. The movie is a dramatization.

edit: Well what do you know? I actually learned something today. I had never heard that he was exposed as a fraud. I guess I was never that interested to begin with.
Frank Dux actually knew his stuff. His system however, Dux-Ryu Ninjitsu has no respect because Dux was just in it for the money. Some even bought their belts in Dux-Ryu. If Frank Dux actually taught people what he knew in an honorable way things would be different for him. He chose to be a celeb instead and his reputation paid heavily.

The movie 'Bloodsport' had some true elements to it, but was mostly fiction.
They say it is ';Based on Frank Dux life story';. If so than it has to be VERY loosely based.
Okay, Frankie boy is a fraud. Let me give three specific ';baloney points';:

1) ';Kumite'; means ';sparring.'; NOT fighting, and certainly not the sort of match described by Dux in his life story.

2) If there were such a match, I would know about it.

3) ';Dim Mak'; does not mean ';death touch.'; It means ';point destruction,'; and refers to causing pain by pressure points (as opposed to causing bricks to explode.

Most tellingly, I myself had the honor of catching the honorless Mr. Dux in a fraud. Several years ago I visited his website,, and found that he was claiming an honorary induction into a Florida society for decorated police officers, due to the MAGNIFICENT martial arts training he had been giving law enforcement personnel down there.

Being an MP myself, I called up the society myself--talked to the president on the phone. Nobody there had ever HEARD of Frank Dux.
Frank was a fraud.

Logically it would be pretty hard to have a secret tournament and yet determine the best fighter in the world. It would become too public or they would never reach the best fighters to invite them to fight.
actually the story is not true.

Frank Dux has been exposed as a liar and fraud on several occasions.

Actual research has in fact been done on this. Not by me but here it is. Skip down to the section on frank dux, but the analysis and reasoning behind it typed first should show that the author is not out to slam dux and that there is what would be ';journalistic integrity'; if he were a journalist.鈥?/a>

he and van damme also were involved in litigation over the matter.
I know Dux is a fraud and the story isnt true. I still loved the movie ';Bloodsport';. Very entertaining for a Van Damme movie.
Nope not at all. Just as an Egyptian art I won't name, historical fact disproves it.

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