Friday, February 5, 2010

If it is true that the UK can select a sport for 2012 Olympics, should we choose Darts?

Imagine Phil 'The Power' Taylor, Ted 'The Count' Hankey (the letter 'o' is optional) and Andy Fordham and the worlds stage with the sporting elite...

If not darts, any ideas what we in the UK should have as our sport for the Olympics?If it is true that the UK can select a sport for 2012 Olympics, should we choose Darts?
We're quite good at snooker as well.

Surprising how we are good at sports that involve copious amounts of alcohol.....If it is true that the UK can select a sport for 2012 Olympics, should we choose Darts?
Do think we could possibly invent a few more permutations of rowing, sailing or cycling? From what I saw in the last games, we'd just have to add some bizarre element-chasing a helicopter perhaps? It's better than the moped they chase at the moment.

I definitely think we should rename ping-pong as whiff-whaff-good old Boris, he knows what he's talking about.
Snooker is played in a few countries apart from Britain. Canada, China,and Thailand and I am sure as many other countries play pool they would soon pick up the rules and skills of snooker. I do agree that darts also would be a good game to include in the Olympics
lmao, its just a pub game, beer swilling candidates for slimmers are us. Sid Waddell now there's a commentator that gets up my goat, more irritating than joe pesquli's voice. And what is it with the same boring length. 7 sets for the world masters, boring!.

Now then why not dominoes, or the little women's favourite, reverse parking. lmao.
I think there should be a trolley dash, round Waitrose. Specially for grandmas.

I would easily qualify and I would be sooooo spurred on to win because I've never shopped there and I sooooooo want to.
i don't know if this is true, but if it is i would like to see binge drinking.

mind you that's darts all over.
Netball! Is a disgrace that it isn't an Olympic sport considering how popular it is.

At the very least darts should get in to upset the ball room dancing mob. But, Gurning or Morris dancing.
Well, seeing as like, no one else in the world plays darts, you brits should win it easily
Is cooking food until it's no longer recognizable considered a sport?
I think running to the dole queue would break records.

I agree with Duchess snooker is one of our best sports. One thing I would really like to see as an olympic sport is dancing
beer pong, the fastest growing sport in universities across the world
Suggest robotic dancing
I think darts would be a good idea.
no i would propose my ex wife for the best liar competition shed win gold every time
I'd like to go for the old fave - who can polish of pie and peas the fastest
not darts

how about...... cheese rolling =]
Twotting..on ice.
Tug of war.
I'd prefer... a game of snap or something.
No.........the Dutch would beat us.

I suggest either conkers or marbles.
maybe maybe maybe, i think we might win that one... and that would be cool.

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