Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is boxing a true sport??

plz plz help me out with this.. its 4 a college assignment...

i wud like to write somethin like it is a dangerous sport....... can u guys help me out with some points!!!????

thanks!Is boxing a true sport??
Boxing is a true sport. It is one-on-one with no teammates to help you or to hide behind.

About being dangerous, of course it is. But most sports are - football has serious injuries and a number of players suffering from brain damage or paralysis, baseball has instances where people can get hit with a 90mph fastball, hockey has players with more concussions than teeth, and even soccer has many instances of brain damage because of the threat of getting kicked in the head if you fall and running up to bounce a ball off of your head.

I have boxed for several years. I also coach the sport and I am a boxing journalist (writer and radio show co host). If you want, please contact me and I will be happy to be interviewed for your project.
Boxing is for sure a real sport bro -

Its all about skill and talent you need alot of skill to peform great at the highest level.

You need to have great physical ability as well as mental ability.

You need to have good stamina, awareness, reflexes, and patience, remember its technically not fighting, your opponent doesnt need to be knocked down for you to win the fight its about ability.

You also need to understand your opponent, his weaknesses and his strengths so you can capitalise and exploit where he lacks.

Also its also about conserving energy, and punching because you need a plan on how many punches to throw, when to throw, counter punching, and defensive strategies.

So boxing is a sport, and also much more as it is a grand money phenomena, analysed and performed by the most intelligent and powerful people in the world.

And personally for me its the greatest sport aswell!!
boxing is a real sport, and its been around longer than football, basketball and even baseball.....boxers are some of the best conditioned athletes in the world, and while it is a sport you can get injured doing, many top rated fighters have careers that span 20 or so years, which is unheard of in sports like football and basketball. boxing is also always tweaking its rules to improve safety......boxing as the united stated knows it became a mainstream sport in the 1800's, as bare knuckled competition, and used to be much bigger, believe it or not before TV. today it has taken a back seat to the other sports for various reasons. if you wish to learn more about the history of this great sport, pick up a copy of ';ring'; magazine: along with articles on current fights and fighters, they always have a ';blast from the past'; section that are always insightful
boxing is a very dangerous sport. a boxer focuses his punches on only the front of his opponent and that is where all his power is going. 45 minutes of getting hit in those areas over and over again is not conductive to good health. how ever the ability to evade or block most of those punches and prevent head and body trauma is not easy and they can end a fighters career very quick. more people have suffered brain damage or death in boxing than any other sport that i know of. but i would still box knowing all that as it is the greatest one on one sport i know.
Boxing is without question a true sport. Boxers are in incredible shape if you want to experiment with that try staying on your toes for 3 minutes while throwing punches. You will without question be very tired, and you don't even have to avoid being punched. Boxing has at least as much if not more strategy than any sport so it is truly both a mental as well as physical.
its a true sport alrite and the 1st sport oldest sport and the toughest sport as u f c you get chances to rest not in boxing there a skill that makes it a sport hit and not be hit its as safe as it ever has been and going to be...

motosports skiing horse racing kick boxing

have more deaths than boxing.

so its safe as football you see more plays hurt as most in boxing

is cuts but they dont hurt the can deal with 90% of cuts as football you will not finish the game when you legs wraped around your neck.
yeah. i've always thought it was kinda overrated, though. but in louisville we worship muhammed ali, so i'm used to it.

i don't think it's as dangerous as sports like nascar. it is definitely a sport, though. it takes a lot of strength and mental stability.
I believe a sport is something that challenges you mentally or physically. Boxing challenges both. I believe that boxing can and always will be defined as a sport.
What kind of question is this? What could you possibly mean by ';true?';

Look up the word ';sport'; at and you'll have your answer.
omg yes! ive played boxing on Wii Sports, and it is by far the hardest sport and makes me the most sweaty and worn out (vs. wii bowling, wii baseball, wii tennis)
actually boxing is a sport because it has physical and mental tolls on your brain.......BOL
boxing is science
yes its a true sport

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