Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that sports can delay you from starting your period?

i think i heard it from someone and i was wondering if that was why i havn't started mine yet... ive played like 7 seasons of sports this year...

school volleyball, school basketball, travel volleyball, school softball, travel volleyball again, travel softball, and a church softball league, and ive really never stopped playing sports.... its this a reason for me not starting or not?Is it true that sports can delay you from starting your period?
No It can't. I played basketball all the time before my first period and still had it. so In due time you'll get it but sports has nothing to do with it not happeningIs it true that sports can delay you from starting your period?
it doesn't matter because that has nothing to with it. all our bodys change at certain times yours isn't at that time yet. It's ok you will get ther. But if ypir close to 15 and you havent then i suggest you go see a doctor
ive heard that its sometimes true

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