Friday, February 5, 2010

Would you consioder cheerleading a true sport?

Well let's face it.. Cheerleading DOES Require more flexability and some athletic ability then Football, Baseball, And sports like that...

And let's face it.. Not everyoen can be a cheerleader, even football/baseball/etc. Can't be cheerleaders...

So would you consider cheerleading a real sport?

This is an opinion... But I do! I really do it requires more than you consioder cheerleading a true sport?
why not? they really work hard!!!!!!!!!!!!Would you consioder cheerleading a true sport?
I consider it an activity, it's not really a sport (although you could make a case for competition cheerleading, although I'd disagree, you could still make a case). Every task requires some specialization. Maybe a football player couldn't be a cheerleader, but a cheerleader can't be a football player either. Neither is superior to the other, they just require different skills. Football requires flexibility and agility, too. Try evading some tacklers while carrying the ball and not dropping it, not as easy as it sounds. And try catching a football with some big defensive back looking to knock your head off. Or try being an offensive lineman, you have to block someone your size or bigger from getting to the quarterback or the ballcarrier WITHOUT holding them. If you're caught holding them, that's a penalty. Also, try taking those big hits from someone who's 300 lbs or better. Not exactly fun.

I'm not saying that cheerleading is easy, just giving an example of how football isn't, either. I actually like cheerleaders quite a lot.
I do think that cheerleading is a sport. Any physical activity that requires strength training, coordination, lots of practice and flexibility to me is a sport. I remember when I was in high school that soo many girls tried out for cheerleading, but only a few were able to get on the cheerleading squad.
I don't know of any other sport which requires huge ';McGuffey's'; as a prerequisitete either, so just the weight of those alone makes it an exertion above and beyond the call of typical bimboism.

So of course it's a sport absolutely!! Got my vote.
I'm a cheerleader and I don't really consider it a sport. I consider it like gymnastics some type of activity. Like dance is not a sport but some dance is flexibility!
I don't consider it a sport.

Yes, you have to be active and in shape and stuff, but that doesn't make it a sport.
i agree! i do cheerleading and i consider it a sport becuz its hard have to learn new steps and lift people(if ur a baser)
yeah... cheerleading takes a lot of athletic ability
flexibility isnt a sport so no
No I played soccer, that's a sport

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