Friday, February 5, 2010

Given the Tiger Woods scenario, is there an actual true life, clean cut sport hero out there?

Are there any male or female athletes out there with the label ';super star'; that actual have their act together both publicly and privately? Seems like the more the media digs the more likely they are to find something on just about everyone. What do you think?Given the Tiger Woods scenario, is there an actual true life, clean cut sport hero out there?
It is near the Christmas break of the school year. The students have turned

in all their work and there is really nothing more to do. All the children are

restless and the teacher decides to have an early dismissal.

Teacher: ';Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and correctly can

leave early today.';

Little Johnny says to himself ';Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart

and will answer the question.';

Teacher: ';Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?';

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, ';Abraham Lincoln.';

Teacher: ';That's right Susie, you can go home.';

Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.

Teacher: ';Who said 'I Have a Dream'?';

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, ';Martin Luther King.';

Teacher: ';That's right Mary, you can go.';

Johnny is even madder than before.

Teacher: ';Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?';

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, ';John F. Kennedy.';

Teacher: ';That's right Nancy, you may also leave.';

Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the


When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, ';I wish these bitches would

keep their mouths shut!';

The teacher turns around: ';NOW WHO SAID THAT?';

Johnny: ';TIGER WOODS. CAN I GO NOW?';Given the Tiger Woods scenario, is there an actual true life, clean cut sport hero out there?
Let me ask you a question.....why do athletes have to be role models? Squeaky clean? Why do we, deserve to know about their private lives?

I spend most days with professional athletes...all have skeletons in there closets. Even, Peyton! ';Superstar';, equals, open season, to those closets.

I personally think it's the, Huge Money, Fame, and Expectations from the public. I know the FACTS of the Tiger Woods, story...most media outlets were just speculating, because he won't talk about it.
I would think that there are some clean cut sports heroes out there as long as they don't do anything to get the media dogs on them, such as...

Don't say racist or stereotypical things in interviews.

Don't do drugs: prescription drugs (vicodin), performance-enhancing (steroids), and illegal drugs (marijuana, heroin).

Don't get involved in violence (carrying a gun, fighting).

Don't get married and then cheat on your wife/husband.

Don't become an alcoholic.

Don't be too much of a party person.

Don't be a fornicator with many men/women.

And I'm sure there is much more but that is all I can list.
Now that Tiger Woods wife has BLACKMAILED him, claiming $80 million to stay IN marriage, there must be many married women out there, thinking 'Hmm.... if I can leave him tomorrow, would nt that be an easy way to get his fortune?'

Remembering that there are no penalties if SHE is caught cheating; and that, like Tigers wife, the MEDIA would protect the WOMAN, even if SHE assaulted HIM!

Or - EVEN - IF - she - had - cheated - on - him!

Would any celebrity male with an IQ over 40, ever want to marry in the future?
Padraig Harrington- all the golf media say they can't find anything bad to say about him. He isn't Tiger-ish, but he IS a three-time Major champion.

Peyton Manning seems to be on the level- If there ever has been anything scandalous, I can't find anything on the 'Net about it.

Albert Pujols (1B, Cardinals) is another candidate.

Tim Duncan in basketball seems to be Manning-esque, as well.
The point is, there's no way to know for certain. I could point out Tim Duncan as a guy who's never had the slightest hint of scandal around him, but I don't really know anything about him. I know what the press tells me.

I'm sure there are plenty of athletes out there who lead good, clean wholesome lives. That doesn't sell newspapers or bring people to websites.
The answer is no. That is why Jesus died for our sins. People tend to have their own definition of what clean cut and nice is. I think one of the most unattractive things about a person is pride.
Tony Dungy, Peyton Manning, Jimmie Johnson(nascar), Albert Pujols, Drew Brees, Vincent Lacavalier
Phil Mikelson
Peyton Manning
Ray Lewis.
Mike Tyson
Pat HIll
of course not. It's sports! Where idiots get paid way too much money for being human.

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